Status Post Party!!!
I want to thank everyone who came to our IL OH get together. It was great to see so many of you and your spouses or significant others.
For those who couldn't make it, I'm sure that we will have another one sometime this summer. There was plenty of food and drink and camaraderie with each other. Monica was missed but I hope that she is recovering from surgery. Ronna was out of town and was missed too.
We didn't recognize Barry as he has changed so much from his picture on this site. You single gals missed meeting a very handsome man!
His daughter Megan was so cute and sweet.
I finally got to meet my naughty friend, Pam!! Everyone who said they were coming, did show up.
Everyone took a lot of pictures except for me. I think I only got one since I have a new camera and have to learn the features.
Thanks to everyone for helping in the clean-up and storing of tables and chairs.
I am a bit pooped but happy. Tomorrow I am going over to my Mom's for lunch to celebrate my sister's and stepdad's birthdays.

Revision on 04/19/13
Lucy, it is us who should be thanking you. This was a great get together, which wouldnot of happened without you and your clubhouse.
I enjoyed getting reaquainted with everyone I had met in September, ( Lucy, Christine, Kim, Dawn, Dave) and loved meeting everyone else ( Barry, Paul, Linda, Val, Michelle,Wendi, Carol, Pam and Janet) plus thier other halves. If I forgot anyone, I am truly sorry.
Thank you again Lucy. I know we would of liked to stayed a bit longer, DH was enjoying himself, but he has to go to work at 4:30 a.m. on Sunday, and with a 2 hour drive home, it would of been to late for him.
I will post my pictures as soon as possible.
Hugs and good nite.

Yes I posted this in the other thread for the party, so I am reposting it here.
It was great to meet you all, and thanks again Lucy for being such a great hostess! My daughter kept talking about it all the way home.
Can someone send me their pictures (or all of you that had cameras).
Barry, Michelle put a really good picture of you on her profile. You should be able to resize it and use it as your new avatar.
All you have to do is right click on it, "save picture as" and then save where you would like to on your computer. You are savy and should be able to figure it out.
Open RNY May 7
Thank you Lucy for arranging this. It was great! I had a lot of fun trying to guess who everyone was. When Barry came in I kept looking for the person he was with. I thought for sure he must be the spouse of someone I would recognize. I think he shocked us all when he introduced himself.
I posted all of the pictures on my profile. I don't know how to send them to anyone unless they are part of my friends list. I'm not very technical savy. I took a couple of pics of the three girls, but I didn't want to post them without Barry & Dawns permission. I know parents are particular when it comes to their kids pictures on the internet and I fully understand.
Thank you to all of the good cooks out there. It was all yummy. I look forward to the next one.
Hi Michelle. Thanks for coming. Yes, there were many great cooks out there. We could have fed more people. It was a good spread with lots of protein foods. Dawn's dessert was light, fluffy and delicious. Thanks for sharing your recipe with us Dawn.
My camera didn't work so I'm going to have to learn how to shoot pictures.
Have a wonderful day!