what kind of surgery did you have?

on 4/17/08 2:44 am - Tinley Park, IL
what did you have?  and why?  i am just curious.  l am having lap band b/c it is less invasive.  why did you pick what you are having?  thanks!
on 4/17/08 3:13 am - Ottawa, IL
I had open gastric bypass because I wanted to lose the weight faster and the thought of having fills all the time was something that I did not want to do. I just wanted it done and over with
on 4/17/08 6:15 am - Western 'Burbs Chgo, IL
I had open gastric and so did my husband. At the time my doc did not do lapband but I was not a person that could have it because I had had major abdominal surgery that caused massive adhesions. As it was my surgery took 2 hours longer (4 hours total) becasue of them. My husband was SMO and the doctor wanted to get in and out fast and not have him under any longer than he had to be because it becomes more dangerous the longer you are under and being SMO. As it was he ended up not being able to have his Greenfield filter taken out because he had blood clots in it. Good thing that he had it in otherwise he would have been dead.  We both also wanted the tool of dumping because we both like sugar and fats in their various forms and this helps us keep away from those foods on a regular basis. We do enjoy them but in a much smaller quantity because of that hanging over our heads of dumping on them. When I go to meetings I will rarely have any sugary treat that is there because it will hit me so hard. I do not want that happening when I am working. I just came from a meeting and I waited until the very end to have a cookie so that I knew if I started dumping at least I was on my way home and I could deal with it then. Christine

Open RNY May 7


Lisa Tucker
on 4/17/08 6:36 am - Streator, IL
Revision on 04/19/13
Hi, I had lapband last October, and I did lapband instead of bypass, for the reason of it being less invastive. Its slower to lose weight, but in the end you will lose about the same. I have lost 54 lbs since my lapband.


Start Weight   330
Current          219    BMI 38  I am in the normal range!!!
Goal Weight  180


(deactivated member)
on 4/17/08 8:19 am
I ad a Lapband. I was all interested in a less invasive surgery, as a nurse I saw to many pts wit issues after Bypass surgery. Plus I'm oing by losing weigt a bit slower I could offset some of te loose sagging skin from weight loss.
on 4/17/08 11:19 am - Wilmington, IL
I had bypass. I needed something that has a consequence. That is how I use my tool.  If I overeat I get sick. If I eat something that I should eat I get sick. You learn real quick not to eat certain things.  I guess it is a personal choice.  But I have seen people that don't go in for their fills and they are able to eat alot more. They have some restriction but not enough sometimes.  I also had my gallbladder out at the same time.  I had a slight complication.  The hole between my pouch and my intestine was swollen shut, Nothing the doctor did, it's just how I am.  I had my surgery Dec 10th with Dr. Lahmann(Dr. Joyce assisted).  I am very happy now.  I don't think that I could have done the Lap band.  I would be disappointed.  Also I like the fact that the bypass is malabsorbtive and restrictive.  Just my two cents!
C. Richardson
on 4/17/08 8:11 pm
I chose open gastric bypass.  I had over 200lbs to lose and fealt that the gastric would be a better option for me.  I saw how quickly you drop the weight and that impressed me.  I've always been one that likes results.  I was not thrilled about having to pay for fills as often as once a month etc.  More maint. then I wanted.  At the time, I had not seen much success w/ the lap bad.  Since then, I have met quite a few people that are doing very well w/ the band.  My husband was going to have gastric but due to some liver problems, he had lap band the first of the year.  He is finally seeing some results.  April was the first fill that he fealt restriction so it does take some time to adjust. Good luck w/ your journey. Christina
on 4/17/08 9:38 pm - Tinley Park, IL
thanks for all of your responses!  :)
Karen R.
on 4/20/08 4:28 am
I chose lap band because I did not want thing rearranged, more so it is reversible. My family has had many med issuses and I just like knowinf if need it can be removed! I also wanted the slower weight lose so my skin can have some time to react to the loss, because plastic surgery cost so much and I don't ever see that in my future. I had considered the RNY but in the end I did choose the band. I have not needed a fill in a long time, I had my last one in July last yr and had some removed 2 months later. So I will see in June when I do the upper GI how things are in there. Best of luck on your surgery and just feel assured the choice you make for you is what will will the best for you.  Karen






on 4/20/08 6:24 am - Tinley Park, IL
thanks. i was just curious! :)

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