Wednesday Roll Call
Good morning everyone!!!!
I am thrilled that Monica is HOME!!!! She can now begin to heal and this will be behind her soon!
I am working today (as usual), then home. I will have Liv pop a meatloaf that I am thawing into the oven so that it will be ready close to the time I get home. Some veggies and maybe potatoes for them and dinner is all set!
I am really looking forward to Saturday. Just need to find something for LIv to do while I am there. The boys have a camp out, so I will see if she can hang with a friend or two, I guess.
The sun is shining and it is supposed to be the warmest day that we have had since before Halloween! If you have a chance, get out and enjoy it!
Sherry is having surgery today, so everyone keep her in your thoughts and prayers for an uneventul surgery and a speedy recovery.
What's up with you today?
Work. Kids Bowling. Walk the dogs. Take care of my mom. Same day, just more sunshine. I am treating myself to a pedicure this afternoon. Small pampering for my rough day yesterday. I am starting day 2 of the Plataeu Busters diet. It's alot of food to get in but I hope it will start tipping the scales!
Theresa, Rockford