Tuesday Roll Call
Hey everyone,
Sorry I have been MIA lately. Been really busy. I was in Conneticut visiting my nephew (oh yeah sis and BIL) for my nephew's baptism. I am the Godfather, so I am working on my Marlon Brando impersonation. Yes I am a dork.
I had an interview for a cool job last friday, and 2 hours later I got asked to come back for a second interview! YAY!!!! I must have blown them away! I also picked up a part time gig that I am working on getting set up. It is doing some inbound tele-service. I get to set my schedule and work from home. It is something that can give me some income now and then a little play money once I get another full time gig.
Ok that is it for me. I can't wait until Saturday. I will see you all then! I might be a member of the Century Club then! 1.6 pounds left to go!!!!
Paul, don't be so hard on yourself with the eating of the peanuts. It is going to take you a long time to change the eating habits. I tell people that I had almost 50 years of bad habits behind me and how can I change them in a few months time? It takes a lot of practice and even after almost 5 years PO I am still trying to get it right. When you have your surgery you will be more in control with your tool and then you will need to work on the head at the same time. Just keep in mind that we are not perfect creatures, just one that is trying to do things with excellence.
Open RNY May 7