newbie insurance photo ?

Amanda M.
on 4/13/08 1:35 pm - Capron , IL
I have been considering wls for a couple of years now and have decided that it is the right option for me.  I have made an apt. and have my cosultation(the one that is supposed to last 1-2 hours) on the 17th of this month.   My question is this, the clinic has sent me a ton of paper work to fill out before I come in, and in that paperwork is a request for a photo of myself, front,back, and side.  .  . can I wear clothes in this photo?   I know it seems obviouse, but my body looks so much more fat . . . well naked!!!  They said it was because my insurance may want to see photos.  I am a little nervous about taking the photo.  I dont want naked pictures of myself just lying around on someones desk, but I dont want to send a photo that doesnt "show"  can I wear a bra and underware?  or should I just take it in my regular clothes?  
Dance in the Light of the Moon!!!! 
on 4/13/08 8:53 pm - Western 'Burbs Chgo, IL
Frankly, I have never heard of the clinic asking for photos taken by the patient. Take the pictures with your clothing on. As far as the insurance possibly wanting pictures that probably is true.  Christine

Open RNY May 7


Janet H.
on 4/13/08 9:49 pm - Golden Valley, AZ
Hello, and welcome, My Dr. asked for the same thing and send me out a lot of papers to fill out, for my pic, I wore shorts and tank top, you can look on my profile and you will see me , good luck with you journey,, by the way who is you DR.?

      Success begins with wise choices I make,I will not let noncompliance be my mistake, The surgery I had was to assist me in changes. My compliance is for a success long range, So I will think before I decide to cheat. Remember the goals I want to meet. For this surgery is not something I was force to do It was what I wanted for a healthy life!       



Kim M.
on 4/13/08 10:31 pm - Poplar Grove, IL
Hello, Just so you don't get upset, my cosultation only took about 20 min with the surgeon.  About 25 more mins in the lobby filling out more paperwork.  I went to a seminar that lasted about a hour or two.  I just don't want you to get your hopes up and only be there for a short while. Okay...back to you question.  IF your clinic is requesting pictures, then I would take them however you feel comfortable with.  I am a very open person, so taking it in my underwear and bra would not bother me, but I see nothing wrong w/ taking them w/ your clothes on.  My doc took one of me w/ my clothes on at my cosultation.  I think that was more for there records though.  When I was going through all the insurance crap, I asked them if I could send a picture and they said no.  The reason why I wanted to send a picture is that when people heard that I was 204, they didn'y think I needed surgery.  Okay....but I am only 5' and looked liked like the marshmellow man!  I have posted pictures of myself on my profile after surgery and they ARE in my bra and panties.  The reason I did that is I wanted people to see how bloated you get.  Also, I plan to post further pictures of my progress.   Welcome to the board!  Please keep us posted and DON"T let the insurance crap get to you!!!!



on 4/14/08 12:08 am - IL
My dear Cuz, You can wear clothes Or not    ; )       Hubby might like the ones with out .     If there is anything I can do for you I am here.  I love you lots and wish you all the luck in the world.     Me, I wore clothes and my insurance did not need the pictures, however the paperwork from the Drs office tries to cover all insurance plans. That is why it seems like so much, that way the office can piece together what your insurance company needs without having to go to you so much.  Hope this info helps.
Amanda M.
on 4/14/08 3:44 am - Capron , IL
Thank you guys for the the warm welcome!!!  I think I will go ahead and have my hubby take my photos in my undies, that way it will show more of my ass~ets  !!!   I will post pics of my self on my profile later today, but those will be with clothes on!!!   My doc. is Dr. Leslie McClellan she is from Mercy Bariatric Wellness Center,  she came recom. from a former patient, who by the way looks AMAZING!!!!  I am a little worried about my insurance because it is funded by the Heavy Machine Operators/Engineering/Testing Local 150  and is BC/BS PPO.  The lady I talked to on the phone said it usually only takes about a week for them to approve the surgery, and she doesnt know of any that had been denied if it was medically nec.   I think my biggest  snag will be that I don't have a PCP.  We use a lot of alternative and homeopathic remedies, and other than having a few colds, I have not had any reason to go to the doc. in at least a couple of years.  So I am a little worried about that, not having any documentation, etc.   Thank you guys again for the warm welcome, I can't wait to get to know everyone, and share in our journeys!!!  ~Herbmaiden~
Dance in the Light of the Moon!!!! 
birder I.
on 4/14/08 11:13 am - Rockford, IL

Hey Capron, We have a support group in Rockford! It's for anyone pre or post surgery, it's free and meets the third Monday of the month so the next one is April 21 at the College of Medicine. We'd be glad to have you join us. Most of us had surgery in Madison (great program) but I think a couple had it a Mercy.



on 4/15/08 8:04 am - energy, IL
Ive never heard of that before. NEVER would I take a naked pic and send it to anyone. What if it ended up on the net? you never know.
Amanda M.
on 4/16/08 4:02 pm - Capron , IL
That is exactly what I thought!!!!! I ended up taking the pics in my undies,  I figure if they need to see my body, they can come and have a visit with me at the doc's office!!!! Hopefully they will be good enough!!!!  My paperwork just said "please attach recent photos of yourself include front, side and back views, and include the date they were taken (some insurance carriers will request a photo, as part of their approval process, so these photos should show your problem areas"   . . .  well all of my areas are problem areas,  I have small feet, hopefully that wont disway them from approval!!!! :)
Dance in the Light of the Moon!!!! 
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