Need advice please
on 4/13/08 6:04 am - champaign, IL
on 4/13/08 6:04 am - champaign, IL
I was suppose to be banded april 11,2008 however,the doctor that evaluated me for last opinion refused to release me for surgery because my a1c was 9.3 he says he wanted me to go do a stress ecko test i did and it was ok the next step was to go see a diabetic specialist to help me lower my a1c level why did they wait that long because my a1c result was given to them since january I am very unhappy and sad after all I had been to please help what can I do to lower my a1c and how long it will take I know i have to diet wicth I am doing anothe question is that any diabetic here had surgery with high a1c please help
Well, your a1c is really high and I can understand why they would not want to do surgery on you until it is lower and under control. Have they put you on any meds yet to get it a little lower? How about a diet or you seeing a diabetic specialist for all of this? Are you logging your blood sugars on a daily basis? The hba1c is a cummulative test that shows the blood sugars over a period of time. I would guess that they need to see if you are really stable before they even consider surgery. I do not find it uncommon that they are waiting for your sugar to get under control. It may take you a few months to get it lower so do not dispare. A doctor does not want a person to have a high sugar when they are putting you under for surgery. It is worth it in the end. I would have been on the phone by now asking what you need to do next. Be your own advocate and call to find out your next steps or options.
Open RNY May 7