Sunday Roll Call
Good Sunday Morning to one and all in "Lincoln Log Land"
Not much for me today other than we are going shopping for groceries, probably to Wally World or Target and Home Depot. Then rest for me for the day and have our left over pizza from Friday night.
The reason I am going to rest is that I had a really full day at Navy Pier with the LWB team at the Diabetes Expo yesterday. Dr Rosen spoke; we had many prospective/future patients stop by. Myself and another lady on the team were able to answer people's questions about our PO lives. Especially Linda because they were all very interested in her having the lap band. Our booth was in a great location across from the speaker's stage and near to the entry to the expo. It is so neat to be a part of events like this because it keeps you motivated and you stay focused with your PO life.
What is going on in your life today? Not much can be done outsite today up here in the northern 'burbs as it is too wet. I have seen tulips popping up and also some that were really sheltered just about ready to bloom. Friday I saw some daffodils blooming. So, I promise you spring will arrive soon - just a little behind schedule from the calendar.
Open RNY May 7

Success begins with wise choices I make,I will not let noncompliance be my mistake, The surgery I had was to assist me in changes. My compliance is for a success long range, So I will think before I decide to cheat. Remember the goals I want to meet. For this surgery is not something I was force to do It was what I wanted for a healthy life!
Good Morning Illinois, Janet. can I join you for breakfast? We use to go for breakfast almost weekly, but, now, since i don't eat as much, I hate the prices they charge. I did have an omelet this morning. one egg and sliced bannanas in it. I know, its weird but trust me, its good. Carol, It sounds likje you had a great day yesterday, Christine too.I stayerd in all day yesterday and worked on my closet. Ya know the old saying, "I don't have a thing to wear?" Well, its almost true. 5 30gal. bags of clothes came out of my closet. Alot of it was stuff that I figured I would get back into someday, now is to big, and I will not be getting back into, someof it was just to old and worn to want to wear, and the rest was stuff I am giving to a coworker. Today, I am getting dinner started for us, laundry, and probly get into the back closet and see if anything in there will fit in with the new me. Also will be exerciseing at some time. Spring is coming, The grass is green, the trees and bushes are budding out, Maybe in time for Lucy's party.
Hugs to all.
Hi Illinois! This has been a lazy day of reading and napping for me. I really do enjoy these kinds of days. Yesterday I knit for a couple of hours at the knitting shop which was fun. I was able to find a pattern for a jacket which I will make to take to Europe this summer. Wish I knew exactly which size to make it!
Like Dee said, I read this every day even if I don't post.