Friday Roll Call
Good morning Pam and the rest of Illinois! Way to go Pam!!!! Those WOW moments make your day (and week), don't they? It is so nice that you don't have to buy any clothes for a while. Enjoy it all!
I am working today, and maybe to Wally World at lunch since I didn't do it yesterday. We'll see how the weather is by lunch time.
I promised to have Miss Riley come out tonight, so we will be busy with her. Tomorrow, both kids have things to do in the morning so I will be running into Freeport, so I can always do the Wal-Mart thing then if I have to.
The grouper was not bad last night, but it sure was not as good as Dockside Dave's in St. Pete Beach! I didn't really expect it to be, but one can always hope.......
Nothing else exciting in my life right now, just wishing Monica a speedy recovery so that she can get home.
Have a tremendous day all!

Not much going on here..just a doc. appt. for my 15 year old son. He plays arena football and broke his shoulder in the first game of the season (he had hurt his shoulder in the fall playing football) so we need to find out if surgery is what he needs. And of course the usual cleaning and laundry and whatever else needs to be done around the house. So off I go to empty the dishwasher. Enjoy the day!!