Wed, Roll Call

Janet H.
on 4/8/08 10:00 pm - Golden Valley, AZ
Good morning IL, I guess I am up early this am thanks to my puppy Lexi, she thought 6 am was time to get up, oh well gives me more time with my OH family, So how is everyone doing this fine hump day? for me I am off to Janesville with my friend to do some shopping, and maybe lunch,  I sure hope the sun comes out for our day out, Today is Monica's surgery keep her in you thoughts and prayers today as the Dr. go in and get her well, I did call her yesterday and she is very upset about this whole mess but just want's it over so she can go home to her family, Lucy nice to see you post again we have missed you very much hope everything works out for you . Amamda how are you doing, what did the DR. say, what are they going to do for  you? Come on in and let us know how you are doing in your little part of the world, hope everyone has a great day,

      Success begins with wise choices I make,I will not let noncompliance be my mistake, The surgery I had was to assist me in changes. My compliance is for a success long range, So I will think before I decide to cheat. Remember the goals I want to meet. For this surgery is not something I was force to do It was what I wanted for a healthy life!       



Kim M.
on 4/8/08 10:52 pm - Poplar Grove, IL
Good morning, Today we are meeting w/ out morgage guy.  We refinaced our home and got a better rate and we were able to drop it from a 30 year to a 20 year!!!  Just in time for Ryan to retire!!!!  Then I am off to the hospital to see my dad.  Then tonight I have a soccer meeting to meet my team.  I found out last night that I am a head coach for Maddie's team!  One of my goals are met for the year!  I have dreamed of this day for years! I will be saying prayers for Monica today and hope that she is able to go home soon!!! I hope everyone has a good day.  If you are able to go to Lucy's party, drop her a note and let her know.  We will probably start planing what people are going to bring in days to come!  Also, if anyone from Rockford wants to carpool, please let me know.  I would be interested....gas prices suck! Kim



on 4/8/08 11:44 pm - Rock City, IL
Congratulations on meeting one of your first goals!  Soccer coach!  That is very cool.   I could never coach any sport as I just don't know that much about them.  David plays football and is now in track and Liv plays softball and basketball and wants to try track and volleyball.  It's a good thing that Todd enjoys sports! We'll have to see about the car-pool thing.  I may have some other stuff to do in the area that day, but if not, we should definately share the load!


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on 4/9/08 7:09 am - Western 'Burbs Chgo, IL

We did that years ago and it was the best thing we ever did. I think that we increased our payments by $14 and lost like 10 years. It is so great to not have a mortgage payment now for the last 10+ years.


Open RNY May 7


Paul L.
on 4/8/08 11:32 pm - Cary, IL
Good Morning Everybody!  I'm here in Los Angeles and it's not warm!  Only in the low 50's.  Work is going well and we are ahead of the plan, so today should be a nice day.  For those who've asked, I am the national Information Technology manager for a company with 14 locations around the country.  We are currently converting all of our computers to a more efficient design.  So the reason for my travels is to go and rebuild all the computers in the country.  I'm in LA this week and then Seattle next.  I normally am only gone a week at a time, but I have a very close friend in LA who I will visit with over the weekend.  This is the first time I'll be away from my wife and kids for more than a week, so I'm not as excited to be gone as some would think.  Of course, I've got Lucy's party to look forward to on the other end of this trip!  I hope everybody has a great day.  I'll try and look at the board throughout the day if I can. Paul



on 4/8/08 11:34 pm - Rock City, IL
Good morning Janet and the rest of Illinois! Oh, I love Janesville!  So many great places to eat that we don't have down here.  I love the tomato/basil soup with shrimp at Noodles & Co.  Before surgery, we loved to go to Shakey's, but I heard that they closed.  We also like the World Buffet, although I don't eat much anymore. I am glad to hear that you spoke with Monica, she needs all the support she can get.  I am praying for a solution for her and anxiously awaiting news from her husband that she is in recovery. I went to the new Valli Produce store last night in Rockford and it is pretty cool.  They have a ton of fresh produce to choose from.  I got some yams and sweet potatoes----I am FINALLY going to see WHAT the difference is between them.  They had lots of cool stuff there including Chobani Greek yogurt (17 g of protein per serving) on sale for 10 for $10.  I have been making my own "greek" yogurt, but for that price, you can't beat it.   I am working today and have a new recipe in the crock pot at home for dinner.  My husband will be out all evening with meetings and appointments, so it will just be me and the kids. I too hope the sun makes an appearance.  The day just feels so much better when there is sunshine. I'm looking forward to the party and trying to decide what to bring.  I'll be watching for Lucy's planning will help me decide. I'll be checking in periodically and I will let you know about Monica as soon as I know!


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Lisa Tucker
on 4/8/08 11:47 pm - Streator, IL
Revision on 04/19/13
Good Morning. I too am looking forward to Lucy'sparty. I am also hoping Monica gets better and gets home. Hopfully, she will be able to attend also.  I want to go shopping and out for lunch too! But. I can't, I am stuck in the office all day . Everyone have a good day, and Paul, at least you have sun, even if you are inside working all day.  Hugs to all, Lisa


Start Weight   330
Current          219    BMI 38  I am in the normal range!!!
Goal Weight  180


Janet Kwiek
on 4/8/08 11:50 pm - IL
Good Morning IL-SO glad to see Lucy on the board again.  I hope all goes well w/her appt. w/the doc.  good luck to Lisa too.  Boy, poor Monica, I am praying double time for her.  she must be SO frustrated.  Kim-that's great about the socker coaching-realizing a dream is always  a  WOW moment-have fun with it.  Welcome home Chris and  Dave- glad you had a good trip.  Janet you're looking good- a new puppy will keep you hopping-my Mittens ' bladder goes off every day at 7:30-8the latest.  Paul, I'm sorry I won't get to meet you the 19th- I have a milestone b-day for a dear friend that is a must attend-I will miss seeing all of you -I am really bummed about it.  I have had joyboy home for a week now and haven't killed him.  He's been pretty good, but easily volatile when he's hurting or can't do something w/his mummy hand.  I go to the store a lot-walk the dog-my garbage has never been so empty!  We see the eye surgeon Friday and make the arrangements for the eye surgery- he should really be a joy w/one hand and one eye.  I just keep in mind that he must be hurting and try to be patient-but he's pushing the envelope!  Either way, I can escape for a few hours the 19th!  Have a great day all-Dawn you're  a great angel-keep us posted-Big Hugs to all-Janet K
on 4/9/08 12:07 am - Aurora, IL
Good Morning everyone! Happy hump day.    Sorry I havent been on lately but Tim has decided to throw his back out big time and has been home (oh joy).   So  now I get to be a nurse at work and play one at home.   I love the man but can I just say I have one nerve left and he is on it?     I am going CRAZY!   Oh well..... Today is my cleaning day, and the kids get out early today for parent/teacher conferences.   I am thinking constantly of Monica and praying that they get this resolved for her and on her way home and to good health.    Kim I am impressed.   I am so scared to try to coach or do anything athletic in front of anyone.   The fear of humiliation is huge.   I give you uber credit.  How are you feeling?  Sounds like you are doing awesome.  I got a fill about 3 weeks ago and have been going back and forth with food issues.   It is just so weird.  After every fill my band goes wonkers for awhile and It is a crap shoot with food.  Last night I had a bad experience with meatballs.   The night before the meat from a shish kabob almost did me in.  And I now know that I will NEVER eat short ribs again.   Things I could eat just fine prior to this last fill.    The good thing is that I have lost 11 pounds......   Dawn what is in the crock pot?  I am a huge crock pot user and am always looking for a good recipe.    Paul I am jealous.  I love both LA and Seattle.   Even though the weather is bad I love the area.  I actually really love Orange County and San Diego,  Although I dont think I could ever afford to live there.  My friend lives in San Diego and her house (which is the same size as mine with a smaller lot and no basement) cost over a Million dollars!  The propery values are so high I dont know how some people can even live there.  But it is beautiful all the same.   Lucy - I feel for you.  It sucks to feel so down all the time.  Just remember we are all here for you. Well off to decide what to put in the crock pot for dinner and throw in some laundry.... It seems I am ALWAYS doing laundry...... Have a great day, Gina

Nothing tastes as good as thin feels......

Banded 3/15/07  Loyola University Medical Center
Sharfi Sarker M.D.
4th  fill   8.7 CC in 10 cc VG  Band

on 4/9/08 4:34 am - Rock City, IL
Dear Gina: I have not tried this yet, today is the first time, but I doubled the recipe because my men can sure EAT.  Originally, it called for Brown suger instead of SF Maple Syrup:

Crock Pot Barbeque Chicken 2 pounds chicken thighs without skin 10 ounces condensed tomato soup 3/4 cup chopped onion 1/4 cup vinegar 3 tablespoons sugar free maple syrup 1 tablespoon worcestershire sauce 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon basil 1/4 teaspoon thyme Place chicken in slow cooking pot. Combine all other ingredients and pour over chicken. Cover tightly and cook on low for 6 to 8 hours. Per Serving: 122 Calories; 3g Fat (22.8% calories from fat); 14g Protein; 4g Carbohydrate; trace Dietary Fiber; 54mg Cholesterol; 405mg Sodium. I'll let you know how it goes over!


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