I am alive
I am alive. I know that all of you have been concerned about my absence from the boards. I am going through a difficult time right now. The concept of the dietician, etc... didn't pan out like I thought it would.
I am seeing Dr. Guske on Thursday as I am having gallbladder problems now. Since I am going to Arizona next month for my birthday I don't want to land up in the ER out of town. So I may have my GB removed before my trip. I am going to ask him to consider looking at my stoma and pouch... maybe a revision is needed. I don't care about the expense, I'll pay cash - not that I am rich though.
The party is still set for next Saturday unless I end up with a lot of cancellations. It seems like no time is a good time to get together as something always seems to come up even though we planned this well in advance. Sorry for the down side here.
I know that I haven't been supportive here for the past several months and that is because I am going through so much right now. Hopefully after Thursday I will have a better direction.
I will post and let everyone know.
I pray for Monica and hope that her additional surgery is successful and she gets back home.
Kim, I hope that you are doing well post-op.
Wishing everyone a good day!

Revision on 04/19/13