Update on Monica G. (by her sister)
Hi Everyone. This is Monica's sister, Lisa (Dawn, you talked to me on the phone when you called Friday) First I want to say thank you to everyone for your support and well wishes. It really means soo much to my sister to know she has so many friends thinking about her. It truly helps keep her spirits up. And she needs it. I talked to her this afternoon and got the latest. She's got the PIC line in now (I don't understand why it took FOUR days of not eating a thing for someone to think about the lack of nutrition...) and they did more xrays today. It seems like there is a little kink in the intestines that could be causing some trouble. They're keeping her in the hospital through the weekend at least... and will decide early in the week if she needs surgery to fix the intestine. If she needs surgery it will have to be through an incision, which would mean a longer hospital stay. She has been in remarkably good spirits, but I think she's getting tired of it all... and she's getting down and frustrated (and bored!) She just wants to feel better and go home.
While I was on the phone with her, her kids came and visited her (I think her ex brought them) and she said DH was there most of the afternoon too. So that's good. I know she would love to get cards and well wishes. I wish I could do more but I don't know what. I brought her puzzle books and a really good reading book. What else is good to combat boredom in a hospital bed? I can't even imagine being stuck there for this long.
Dawn, thank you for keeping everyone updated. You are truly an angel. And thanks again to everyone else... please, keep sending prayers and well wishes to the universe that Monica gets better soon and is able to come home and get healthy. She was so excited to get this procedure done and never expected this. Her family misses her and is so worried about her.
She doesn't know I'm sending this... and I don't know if I can get back on here (my computer "remembered" her password from last week!) But if you have any questions, you can reach me at [email protected].
thanks so much!