Sunday Roll Call
OK all you sleepyheads, its time to get up and enjoy the day. The sun is out and its suppose to be warmer today then yesterday. Get outside and do something fun. I am planning on working in my yard again, and grilling out.
Oh, yeah, about working in the yard, yesterday, I went to the "barn" to get some handtools out, and I couldn't find them. First, DH had just piled everything into it last fall, and nothing was where it was suppose to be. I had to make a trip to Kmart for new ones. As long as I was there, I picked up a new pair of shorts and a top also.
For some reason, I have been shopping all weekend. Friday, I was at Wallmart, and then went to General Dollar (that I had forgotten ) for a few things. Yesterday, besides Kmart, we went back to Walmart for something I had forgotten Friday. I plan to stay away from all stores for a few weeks!
So, what is everyone doing today?

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