Saturday Roll Call
Good morning Illinois! It looks like it's going to be a sunny day! I'm taking Nic into the city to a radio station at Loyola University. My friend David (he's the one who's down 205 pounds in 18 months) hosts a show and he said we could come down so Nic could see what it's all like. It also helps Nic complete his Tiger Cub badge requirements. Then tonight we are all going to a spagetti dinner at a local church. It's to help raise money for the local adventure scouts group. They are trying to go on a scuba trip. I'm a master scuba diver so I want t o do all I can to help support them. I leave monday for a two week business trip so I'm looking forward to getting a good dose of family this weekend. I'm hoping that the trip will go fast. When I get back, I'll be home for one week and then off on another trip for work for another week and the my surgery!!! Work trips tend to go by very fast. I'm excited about my lap band. I'm already down 4 pounds just from the minor adjustments I've made in preperation. It would be great if I could be down 60 by Thanksgiving! Oh to have normal blood sugars again! I hope everybody has a great weekend. Take care, Paul
Good Morning Paul !!!!
Looks like Great Minds Think Alike!!! Sorry to post a roll call after yours....
Sounds like you have a busy weekend planned. And a busy schedule after that, too.
I'm glad you're even losing before are on track, my friend!! And I'm pretty sure you will have no problem losing 60lbs by's sounds like you already have a pretty active lifestyle...after the band, you will be amazed at the weight melting away.
I SOOO want to learn scuba diving!! (but I am not a good swimmer ) Maybe I will put that on my goals list.
Anyways, have a great day!!! And again, sorry about posting after you already Roll Called.
Hey Paula! Don't worry about the second posting! I'll tell you what I tell everybody who cannot swim, you really don't need to be a great swimmer! You just need to be able to sink!!! Actually, the certification only requires two things. First you have to swim for a certain distance, but how you do it or how long it takes, doesn't really matter. This is so you can get back to the boat or shore should you become seperated on a dive. I've known many people who met this requirement with the "dog paddle"! Second, you have to tread water for a length of time. This is so you can float until the boat comes and gets you. Scuba has been one of the most amazing things I've ever done with my life. I can't wait until I'm down to a decent weight and I can go down to the islands, show off my new body, and commune with the fish!!! Maybe we can get a group trip put together for next year???
Good Morning Paul, Paula, and rest of Illinois,
It seems like today might be the first official day of spring. Im so happy to have a decent day with weather. We are taking the kids to the zoo.
Paul you really are a busy man huh? The time before your surgery will fly by. Im sure you will be able to lose the 60lbs before thanksgiving. It seems like you are already doing great.
Things have been going good for me. I am done 48lbs so far. I notice it but just not as much as others. They say the first 50 is the hardest so I am hopin that Im on the down slope from here. I have been dealing with some major heartburn. I am hopin that is all behind me.
Take care everyone. I hope the best for all of you !!! Measha
Measha, One of the best and natural things I've ever found for heartburn is papaya enzymes! You can get them at just about any store that sells nutricianal stuff (even Walgreens) and they are a natural solution. Just chew a few when you feel the heartburn and presto, it's gone. But be conservative with them, They taste like candy and some folks forget that they are still filled with a natural sugar (they're fruit!). Also, they are not very costly at all. Good luck!
Revision on 04/19/13
Revision on 04/19/13
Good Morning Illinois,
I want to agree with Measha, I hope today is a real spring day. I so want to get my hands in some dirt.
It seems everyone has some plans for today, Paul, taking his son into into the city, Paula has supercop tonight, Measha is going to the zoo.
I am staying home today, and getting some things done, then this evening we are going to Yorkville to have dinner at DD Annette's house to celebrate our DD Monica's birthday, and also mine. I will turn 62 on Friday.
Not sure if there are any plans for tomorrow or not. I guess I should check with DH to see if he is off work or not.
Have a good day.

Good morning everyone!
Not too much going on today....we were thinking of going to Marseilles to ride the ATV but haven't started in that direction yet. I started on soft food yesterday and had Eggfaces cottage cheese pancakes for breakfast..They are really good. She has some awesome recipes.
We may go out tonight but I guess we are just hanging for now.
Hope everyone has a great day!!!
Good Morning to all my IL friends~
Last night Maddie and I went to see my dad in the hospital and then we swung over to St.Alexis and saw Monica for awhile. She seems in better spirits and it was very nice to see and talk to her in person. Dawn was there also, so we all had a nice conversation. She may be able to come home soon.
Today Maddie and I are going to our neibors house for awhile and she is going to teach Maddie how to sew a button on a dress. Then Maddie is going to Chucke Cheese later w/ a friend. While she is doing that, I am going to go to the hospital to visit my dad. He gets to come home tomorrow for a 6 hour visit. I started to workout the other day. I did 15 min on the elliptical and some very light weights.
I hope everyone has a good day and enjoy the sunshine!!
Good Morning Paul and the resto fo Illinois!
I am getting a bit of a late start today, as by the time I got home last night, it was 11 pm......usually past my bedtime. Needless to say, I was NOT up at 4 exercising. I am thinking of checking out the bikes today and going for a family bike ride.
Later on, we are having a cookout and a fire. We are really taking this first Spring day seriously!
I went in and saw Monica last night and we had a great talk. It was fun getting to know more about each other. Her husband is planning on visiting today, and hopefully, she will be out soon. I was very dismayed to find that they had her on IV fluids for the past 4 days, but NO nutrition. That is remedied now and she has been "eating all night" as the nutrition was brought in right after I left.
I spoke to her this morning and she says it is now "the same ol', same ol'" and she is looking forward to going home soon. Keep sending thoughts, prayers and good vibes her way.
Everyone else seems to have great plans for this first nice day, so I hope you all have a great time!