Saturday Roll Call
Good afternoon everyone. It is indeed a wonderful day. I'm taking my daughter to guitar lessons soon and then we are going to go for a walk and enjoy the good weather. After that I think we might take in a show.
Still having some probs with my band. Saw Dr Rosen Thursdday. He took me to the hospital and found that my band had not slipped but for some reason it was now too tight. He removed most of my fill and has started me on some medication to help with the heartburn until the swelling goes back down. Then we'll have to sart all over again with the fills. He said he thought something I had ate had caused irritation and thus the swelling. He says possibly the Mrlba toast since I can recall having really bad heart burn after eating that.
Scuba diving. Wow! I have always wanted to scuba dive. I have tubes in both ears which require me to wear ear plugs in the water. So I don't think I'll ever be able to scuba dive. But I do love to snorkel. Well got to get running. Got to get my daughter to her lesson. Hope you all are enjoying the weather. My thoughts and prayers go out to Monica.
Hi All!!! I am loving this weather, SUN and WARM together wow thats a new one!!!!!!
I am stuck in a school bus though all day. I left this morning at 7:30 and should take the kids back about 3pm. I have the sprint air card so I have my internet with me. I can now catch up on whats going on.
Keeping Monica in my prayers...
Keeping Kims dad in my prayer to........
Paul, I have 40 pounds to go to my most desired goal. With 72 pounds off already. I would like to get at or at least close to that goal by Thanksgiving too! The weight for some reason has really started to come off slower. I think it could be poor food choices though. I havn't been watching the fats as close as I should I think. Sometimes I don't eat all I am supposed to have in a day either, I get tired of my foods getting cold before I can finish 1/2 cup. Yea 1 year ago 1/2 cup would have been gone before it could have even cooled down now it down right cold, YUCK!!!! Oh well I feel great and food is not the most important part of my day any longer. LIFE is!
Enjoy the sun and your walk Shelly!!
Illinois enjoy the weather.
Hi to all of my Illinois friends ! It really looks like a great day outside ! I dont have to wor****il tonight and its so nice to be home on a saturday. I went to my last of the 6 month required appts. on thursday. Now its the psych eval and then everything will be submitted to insurance. The nurse practioner that i saw made a commment to me that really struck me the wrong way. I told her that if I was approved, I would go back for my cpap titration. I told her that just the sleep study alone cost me $1ooo. and that I am NOT rich, so another $1000. would have to wait until i was approved. My bp was up a little bit and I said I thought that it was up because I was up for 30 hours ( I worked nites the nite before my appt.) Well, her parting words were, " so i will just put down that you cant get the cpap b/c of the out of pocket expense and that you arent taking care of yourself". I never said I wasnt getting the cpap. I said I was going to wait until I was APPROVED !!! I have lost 37lbs since january 18. I was only up for 30 hours b/c I had to go to that appt. I am divorced, I have little kids and I have to work nites because I cannot afford childcare ! I am not up 30 hours smoking crack and hitting the bars !!! I was sooo mad and hurt that she would put that in my records. I want to think that she was just having a bad day ??? But I hope that she doesnt ruin my chances with her attitude???
Thanks for listening everybody ! Have a great day ! Amy

A plan without action is a dream... Action without a plan is a nightmare...

Hey Amy! Don't let that nurse get you down. So many people think our obesity is just a result of lazy eating or poor choices. They don't even begin to understand the struggles we have gone through for most of our lives. And they really don't get the absolute need for WLS! Even healthcare professionals. So when you talk about having to put off a test due to the huge costs, they just think the "fat person" is being lazy again. We know different! I can't tell you how many people have told me I shouldn't go to Mexico and have my lap band. I'm not alking about concerned folks on this board, I'm talking about people who think I can just go on a diet and loose 90 pounds in a month, or just pull $20,000 out of my hat with no concern for my families'needs. Stay positive and hang in there. You've done amazing things just to get to this point. You've lost 37 pounds!!! Of course you're not smoking crack and hanging out at bars! My prayers and thoughts are with you. In the words of Snoopy the dog, "don't let the turkeys get you down"!!!
I didn't get my sleep study done until I got approved! My sleep study was $2,600 and that didn't even include the auto pap that I now need to be on. I don't have an extra $1000 laying around. What a witch! If you weren't taking care of yourself, I don't think you would have lost 37 lbs since Jan! Keep us updated!!!
Hello everyone! I am still in Chicago but am getting ready to make that long trek home. We stayed in the Marriott and it was super nice. The pool finally opened on the last day here (figures) and because of the inconvience they let us have a late check out so that we could swim a bit, and by "we" I mean everyone but me. It was my sons first time in a pool and my daughter loved it. I sat downstairs for quite a while then got bored so decided to come back up to the room and see whats goin on here. We have about 5 hour drive, closer to 6 or 7 when you add in all the stops. There is 4 adults and 2 kids!
So anywho, I am down 30 lbs since this whole journey started and down 12 since pre op weight.
So other than that, nothing else is goin on in my neck of the woods!
So anywho, I am down 30 lbs since this whole journey started and down 12 since pre op weight.
So other than that, nothing else is goin on in my neck of the woods!
Good Afternoon Illinois!!!!! What a beautiful day to drive around topless
. I was up at 7:30 this morning and drove my daughter to work. I then took my car in for an oil change and took the doggie out for a walk. I turned off the heat and opened windows to air out the apartment. I have done the dishes and I am now working on my Managerial Finance finals. Then I am taking a two week break from school to get some spring cleaning and life organizing done.
I have stalled out, and the scale is not moving. I am frustrated, but I know it will not last long. I am still sitting at 11 lbs away from my first goal weight and it is just driving me bonkers.
I am hoping that Monica gets better soon, and Kim your dad has made great progress to be able to go home for a six hour pass.
Everyone else, I hope you enjoy this day as it has been a long time for this kind of weather. The forecast is saying decent temperatures for the next several days.

Good Morning Everyone -
I played hookie from my day job so I could play all day now I have to force myself to go in and work tonight. It's a fair trade off but I don't want to go
I did go to Steinmart today and bought a new outfit. It's cute but I kept trying to justify it then I remembered that I could wear it to the 18th Birthday party we are having for my daughter later this month which unfortunately falls on the day of Lucy's party. We will not be able to attend Lucy's since we will be in MD that weekend.
Well, I guess it was a good time time to cut my hours at the restaraunt since they just closed 56 locations on Wed. They xfered six servers to our location so everyone is fighting for hours and I keep saying, here, take mine LOL. (that's how I got off tonight)
Calvin's new green machine came today. Boyz and there toyz
.. It's a pretty john deer tractor w/ a nice wagon to pull the girls around in.
I must push myself to go to work now. Hope everyone was able to get out and enjoy the glorius day.