Angel Report-Updated
Good morning all!
I just spoke with Monica and she is very discouraged. It seems that the doctors are not sure what to do with her, and insist that she needs to stay in the hospital to be hooked up the the IV to stay hydrated.
They say that she is still very swollen at the "Y" juncture, but that sometimes it corrects itself with time (2-3 weeks). In the mean time, she is 45 minutes to an hour away from home and has not seen her kids/husband since Monday night. She is trying to make them understand that she does not want to just sit there hooked to an IV for 2-3 weeks waiting. I wll call her back this afternoon and see if they have come up with a better solution. the request part. Is there anyone close to Alexius Brothers in Hoffman Estates that could do me a favor? If so, please PM me right away (with your phone if possible) and we can talk about a way to make Monica's day a bit better.
I'll let you know more when I know more.......
I Just spoke with her again and Dr. Rantis is back from vacation. I guess that is why nothing was being done?
Anyway........They will be putting in a PICC line (or central line) so that she can get nutrition. She is NPO (nothing by mouth) so that her insides can rest and heal. They will keep her another day or two to see how the line works for her, then she will be able to go home with it, for maybe 2-3 weeks.
I am going up there as soon as I get done working and will give her all your love and support!
Thank you very much Dawn for keeping up updated on how Monica is doing. My hearts goes out to her and the family.
Please let her Know that I am keeping her and her family in my thoughts and prayers.
Success begins with wise choices I make,I will not let noncompliance be my mistake, The surgery I had was to assist me in changes. My compliance is for a success long range, So I will think before I decide to cheat. Remember the goals I want to meet. For this surgery is not something I was force to do It was what I wanted for a healthy life!
WOW poor thing.... I work at St Alexius but I am not going to be back there til Tuesday. I am not that far away but busy all weekend and once she has the PICC line she will probably get out soon after. If she still is there Tuesday let me know what room she is in and I will stop by.
Tell her I am sending get well wishes!