Angel Report-Monica
Hi all!
I just got off the phone with Monica. She sounds OK. Here's the "scoop":
On Monday, she went in for her 1 week check up and had her JP drain removed. About an hour and a half later, she bacame nauseous. She did not actually vomit, but everything made her sick, even small sips of water.
In the evening, she called Dr. Rantis, who said that she was probably dehydrated and should go to the ER for fluids. She did, and they decided to keep her. Tuesday, she could still not take anything by mouth without sever nausea. They have done x-rays and upper GIs. They THINK that she may have a little "pouch" or "pocket" right where the "Y" limb is attached, that could be trying to become a blockage. The good news is that all "bathroom" functions work correctly, so it may NOT be a blockage......
They have to keep her in the hospital as she will become dehydrated & malnourished without the IV.
At this time, they really don't have any firm answers and do not know what to do to fix the problem. She is allowed to have anything by mouth as tolerated, but she becomes severely nauseous with most everything. Last night, she DID have a sugar free popsicle, really slowly......and the nausea was there, but bearable without medicine.
Let's all send prayers, thoughts and good vibes her way to help the doctors figure out what the problem is so that they can fix her up and get her home.
I will update more if I hear anything else.
Revision on 04/19/13