Sorry I've Been MIA But.......
I was in a pretty bad car accident on Good Friday. Left work early cause we were in the middle of a bad snow storm.
Some little girl (was 18) trying to find parking for the concert they were going to ran the light and swerved in front of me. I couldn't stop due to the icy conditions and I hit hear car in the passenger side door head on.
Was pretty bruised and bumped and was taken to the ER but I'm OK. But my poor car has almost $6k in damage. I almost wish they would have totaled it and be done.
I've been spending the last week on the phone with claims adjusters, car rental agents, body shop employees etc. I am tired.
I'm fine now just disgusted that it had to happen in the first place. I am so over winter and snow and ice. Enough is enough.
Hope you are all well and being good to yourselves,
Regards and hugs,

Thank goodness you are ok, the car can be repaired or replaced but you can't. I know that driving home on good friday up here was an adventure to say the least, we got about 12 inches of the stuff. But, the sound of rain and thunder this morning was a welcoming noise. I think Spring has finally showed up.
Ronna, I am sorry to hear about you accident but very happy you are ok,
I am also so sick of winter, I am lucky that I don't have to drive when it get's bad out,but I do feel for everyone that has too.
Take care and I hope everything works out with the INS. comp.
Success begins with wise choices I make,I will not let noncompliance be my mistake, The surgery I had was to assist me in changes. My compliance is for a success long range, So I will think before I decide to cheat. Remember the goals I want to meet. For this surgery is not something I was force to do It was what I wanted for a healthy life!
Revision on 04/19/13
Ronna, If you are ok,and the car can be fixed, that is a god thing (quoting Martha Stewart). Seriously, once you have gone through all the loops that the Insurance companies cause, you can relax.
I agree, we need tro put a spell on winter and get on with the sun and warth.
Dear Ronna:
I am glad to hear that you are OK. Cars can be replaced.
Sorry to hear of the bad luck though. Was that by the Allstate Arena? My daughters went there on Good Friday for a concert. They did not get in or cause any accidents though.....
Maybe if we ALL do it together, we can cast a spell so that Winter leaves.........