Sunday Roll Call
Hey everyone hows it going? There is not much that ws going on here. We bough our horses and she kicked me yesterday so with the weather being iffy and stuff stayed home. I slept most of the day because worked last night and I work tonight(right now). The kids were behaved (all of them) and played with my little angel Ariel (puppy), she is so cute. I once again have a busy night working and will go to work out in the morning and then on Thursday meet with the Personal Trainer. I hope that she can help me figure out how to make the scale move or the inches. My DH is awesome, the girls at work are always telling me I need to go shopping because my clothes were too baggy. So Matt took a pair of jeans that did not fit at all a couple of weeks ago and told me to try on ........ THEY FIT and not tight either. If not careful these are not going to fit. He is so supportive I will say I don't see where the weight came off (I do now in some places) but he tells me in places that I think he is crazy. He just tells me all the time that he see it where I am harder on myself than anyone is. Which he is right! Oh well better go back to work still on a high from clothes that have not fit for over a year are fitting, which is great right before spring! Now just gotta get my tan going more. Smile the spring weather should be here soon. Have a great night or day at this point.