Sunday Roll Call

Open RNY May 7
Karyn B, -185 lbs less than I was 5 years ago!
Never eat more than you can lift.
- Miss Piggy
Karyn!!! Next roller derby is April GOTTA GO!!!! If you plan on going, let ShiShi or one of us know so we can get you the advance tickets (they're only 15 bucks instead of the 20 dollar tickets at the door....) place was sold out last!! We cheer for the Hells' Belles....well, we cheer for all the teams but they are my favorite. Me and the dogs are doing the Mimi's PAWS walk....not sure the date...but it is we're going! Don't forget about the Walk to Remember for the police memorial....check on for the info. (oh, and check (i think) for the Mimi's walk info)....I hope to see you there!!!!!!!!!! Is the Beatles band called American English? If so, they are fantastic!!! I've seen them a few times and they put on a great show. They really play the part, a chance to chat with them after a show at Navy Pier...they were really into their "roles" as Paul,John,George and Ringo.You'll have a great time, I'm sure!!..Wish we could make it, but this Saturday is the Supercop Boxing exhibition and we've already got ringside seats.
hello IL family. nothing going on here today. Mike is still really sick and has been staying upstairs, only comes down to grab something to eat. I am feeling a tiny bit better everyday, just have this wierd burning like sensation around the area of my JP drain once in a while. I am thinking that it could just be the nerves healing. I am still using pain meds as needed too. I hope everyone is having a good day
Happy Sunday Everyone! My Sunday has been very lazy. I cannot move much because of the pinched nerve in my spine, so I have been really bored. Just been reading, online and watching TV. Tomorrow is my Dr. appointment. Hopefully he will be giving me my first spinal shot tomorrow. My friend is driving me to the Dr. since my husband has to work. I plan on returning to work on Tuesday. I was out all last week in severe pain. Now that I have my pain meds, I can at least function. Although the muscle relaxer the ER gave me really knocks me out! The more I think about having the WLS, the more excited I get. I have already looked into getting a personal loan to pay for it. I am not nervous to have the surgery because I have a pretty high pain tolerance. Besides, with the pain I have in my back, I don't think it could get much worse. I hope everyone has a great week! Luv, Kandy