Saturday Roll Call
Good Morning sleepy heads!!!! I am home and my trip was good, I guess.......Turns out that my doctor is not even in on Friday, so when he said that we would talk "right after the tests" I guess he was being rhetorical. They said he would call me on Monday. The ultrasonographer said that both she and the radiologist did not see anything "scary" to worry about in the mammogram ot ultrasound though. That is good news, but on the other hand, WHAT is this in my breast? I guess I am just very "fibrous". I will know more when I talk to the doctor. It was an eventful trip though! I went into the next town first thing in the morning yesterday to get some milk. My car was fine. When I got in to leave for Madison (proud of myself for being "on time") it died as I was pulling out of the driveway. That's wierd.......I started it up again, and it kind of coughed and spuutered, and died again. This happened a couple of times until it just would not start at all----just cranked over and over. I panicked and called my neighbor and asked to borrow her car and she said "sure"-----(what great neighbors I have, heh?) So I moved all my travelling junk across the yeard into her car, and off I went. I got about 4 miles away and realized that I forgot my mammogram films from the last two years in my trunk......I had to go back and get them. I was agian, now bording on being late. All I needed was to get behind a hay trailer or something. I got moving up these country roads and looked down and I was going almost 90!!!!!! WOW!!!!! Her car can sure MOVE! I could not even tell I was going so fast!!! I slowed down and used the cruise control from there on out as I did NOT need a speeding ticked in Wisconsin! I made it to my appointment basically on time so all was well there. I did stop at Joe's before I came home and picked up some goodies, in addition to flowers and truffles for the awsome neighbor/friend that would let me take her car on such short notice! This same friend then took me into Rockford so that I could borrow my Aunt's car for the weekend until mine can be looked at. Today, I will be taking Liv into Freeport for a cookie booth and tomorrow she needs to go to Juda for a softball clinic. I hope everyone has a lovely day and enjoys the sunshine!!!!!
Open RNY May 7

Good morning everyone,
Yesterday I called the Kane Center and told them about my port site and told them it was sticking out and it was VERY uncomfortable. They were so kind to tell me to come in anytime and the nursed would look at it. Got on the road w/ Maddie and Max and realized I did not have my purse. Well...I was not going to turn around for it and thought I would wing it. Thank god Maddie had her purse in the car w/ $52 in it. I know..alot of money in a purse for a 5 year old. We went the day before to close one of her accounts we forgot about while she was a baby. So I felt better that we had some money on our trip. Got to the Kane Center and Judy the nurse saw me right away. I told her that I was snezzing really hard and I felt something pull and I have been uncomfortable since. She said she could feel the port, but it was not sticking out. She did say that she felt fluid under the skin in the pocket. When I sneezed the scar tissue was almost healed and then I interupted it by sneezing. And that's why it is still very soar and it will take time getting used to it. The feeling is so weirod. It feels like it is under or rubbing on my rib cage and anyway I more,sit or sleep it is uncomfortable. Judy wrote a script for Lidicaine patch and told me to get a binder. What a difference that made.
Sorry for going a rant here....another thing is that I have been extra sensitive. I am crying all the time. Ryan said I need to go back on my happy pills. I haven't taken then in a few days because the last time I pulled apart the pill to get the little balls out and swallow them, they irritated my tummy to much. I think I am going to try to day. I am still on liquids and eating some cottage cheese. Connie, we will have to get together for some good spicey food once I can eat. I LOVE salsa and spicy food. When I was preg. I ate spicey food all the time and now Maddie asks for everything extra spicey!! We are going to go see my dad today then I have to go to petland and have then ajust my bill. They overcharged me by $100!! Hey, that's gas money of grocerys! I hope everyone has a good day and enjoy the sun shine.
Christine...have you ever been to sun city in Huntley? It is beautiful! Don't know if I would want thier taxes and live around old people year round, but it is really beautiful!! My parents live about 1 1/2 miles from sun city in huntley. They live on the same road as the Huntley outlet mall. I don't know..Texas has to much humidity and the bugs are just to BIG!!!!!
Good Morning IL family,
This won't be long because I have been walking and now it's sipping and rest time. lol I am still VERY sore on my left side and am wondering about how long people felt like this. I hear people talking about how great they felt at 1 week and I can't imagine it getting that much better by Monday. I will tell you that having big boobs suck because even with a sports bra on it weighs too heavy. I guess I am at the stage of feeling like I will never feel better again. Tyler and Jacob have been a HUGE help to me while MIKE has gone into hiding upstairs. His fever is 102 today and he's got a killer sore throat.
I am waiting for my sister to get here and she's gonna help me take a shower today. I feel so gross and I hope that a shower will help me feel somewhat better.
No other plans today, other than to shower, and sip, sip, sip, walk, walk, walk, and rest, rest, rest.
Have a nice day everyone!