I'm still alive
Hello to all of my wonderful OH family. I am here at home finally, they let me go yesterday around 4pm. I almost with I would have stayed another day. Last evening around 8pm I started getting these horrible sharp stabbing pains near the insicion where the JP drain is in. It would get better for a very short while if I shifted. Finally about 9:30 it got so bad I thought that Mike should just take me out back and shoot me. The kids were terrifed, I was crying, Mike was helpless. Tyler was on the way to get the phone to call the Dr and I decided to move the gauze there and take a look. well....I looked down and said, "well there's the damn problem" in between cries. When they took out my staples and put on the stari strips, one of the stitches holding the drain down got caught under there and was pulling. Mike got a pair of tweezers and pulled the stitch out from under that stip and wallah...pain gone! I swore I was gonna die. I still get some sharp pains around there every once in a while and then I know I need to lay down and just relax. I place my palm over the area and it slowly goes away. I swear I didn't think I would be in this much pain still...but I am still using pain meds at night.
Mike woke up sick this morning, coughing and feeling like crap, I told him he needs to move out. LOL I cannot imagine getting sick with a cough right now. I don't know what to do. He was supposed to help me take a shower tonight...lol They didn't have me take one at the hospital. ewww
Well I am gonna go and lay on the couch and rest again.
Love to all!!
PS: I LOVE the Boost HP chocolate drinks too..yummy and filling. lol
Open RNY May 7
