Tuesday Roll Call
Good morning Illinois...I haven't posted here in a LONG time! I posted on the Lapband board and was asked to stop...so here I am.
Yes the it is windy...and out in the burbs with all this open land! Geez.
I'm doing ok...I have a Dr's appt tomorrow may be getting a 3rd fill not sure....dealing with head hunger right now! IT's killing me!!! I'm also trying to break a plateau! I hate plateaus....
Have a great day everyone
)i( )i( DIVA )i( )i(
Good morning all.. I was at the hospital this am for a steroid shot in my back. Hopefully this one will work and I can get exercising. I signed up for Fitness 19 and see the personal trainer Friday am. I was thinking of Monica when I was there but not have talked to her much I didn't want to intrude. I am going back to work so if someone sees her or talks to her could they ask if she minds me stopping by? Then of course I would need her room number LOL.
Tomorrow is my first day back at work so we will see how that goes...I feel very good.
Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
Good afternoon all. Well I made it through the last 3 nights at work. We got slammed last night with 7 admissions in 8 hours. The whole hospital was jumpin though. Went to the gymThis afternoon. It feels so good to finally be able to get back to the gym. My back is giving me very few fits now. It's been a little over a month since the sleding accident. Glad to hear Monica is doing well and also about Dave's good news. I'm wondering if I'm having a bit of band slippage. Most times it's fine bbut I'm having spells where it feels like I can feel the band at the back of my throat. I'm lucky to get liquids down then. I've got an appointment with Dr. Rosen on the 3rd. Will deal with it until then. Like I said it's not all the time but still worth mentioning and getting checked out. Will keep you up to date. Down another 5 pounds. so at 245 now. Down a total of 79 pounds. Yea!!