Thanks for all the numbers!!
Thank you everyone who gave me their number. Tonight I had to go refill my pain medicine. So by the time I got back it was to late to call anyone. I'm doing a bit better. My stomach is soooo swollen! On the left side it just sticks out! Maddie came home about a hour ago and when she saw me she said " wow mom....they only took a little chub off of you" Then she asked if my boobs will get skinny too? I said I hope not, but if they do I guess I'll have to get a boob job. She said what kind of job????? Opps...I said never long as mommy gets healthy. Next thing I know, my 5 year old will be asking for a boob job for christmas!!!
I'm glad to hear Monica is doing well. I'm going to call and make all my doctors appointments tomorrow for the week.
Did anyone have regrets after surgery? How long were most of you in pain for? I am getting the full feeling, hungry feeling and gasy feeling all confused. Does that make scense??? Well..I'm going to bed now.....Maddie wants to sleep w/ me tonight! She gets priority over my husband!!! hahahaha
I know I was hurting for about a week, but it went away, now I just get a pain when I eat too much (you will get to know that, and it is totally different). As for the boob job, well, I can't say anything about that, I am a guy, and I don't really want a boob job myself. My 3 year old is just a bit too young for one as well.
It will take your body a while to totally adjust to the new way of looking and feeling, but again you will understand what your body is telling you shortly. After that, you will get huge compliments, like, I didn't even recognize you! I got that tonight! Just remember the long term effects, that helps with the regret feelings.
If you need to talk, feel free to contact me as well. I will PM you wiht my number as well.