I am home and resting!!!
Hello to all my dear friends!!!
Surgery went great and very smooth! All the beds were full on the floor so I had to stay in recovery for 5 hours. Once I got to my room I sleep alot!!! Then I woke up in the most pain I have ever had!!! Dry heaves and all! I had a few tears and felt like crap!! I really don't know how people go home the day of the surgery??? Hubby had to work on Friday and my mom got the flu so between the snow and my dad in the hospital, my brother in law picked me up from the hospital and I went to stay w/ my sister for the night. Which was probably a good thing because she is a nurse. And not to mention it was my WORST night yet!!! Yep! I think I actually was crying and said to my sister that I wanted the f****** band out and I regret having this in me!!! I was in the worst pain! I have a high pain tolerance. Guys.....giving birth was a piece of cake to the gas pain I had last night! The medicine that they gave me makes me nauses. It's like taking a shot of hard liquor.
I feel MUCH better today and still have some gas pain. I have never heard the noises come from my tummy like this before. I am proud to say that I get full after eating 3 bites of sf jello. Thank you to everyone who thought of me on Thursday!!! I will keep everyone updated and I an going back to bed now!!! Last night I remembered you guys saying....sip sip sip walk walk walk! You guys are awesome!!!
Revision on 04/19/13
Kim....So glad to hear from you! Sorry you were in alot of pain, It's so different for all of us! I was in pain for an hour b/c of the gas pressure on my new stomach, but like I told you, other than that....it wasn't bad. Some people on this board had little or no pain! (Keep this all in mind Monica....everyone is different!) You are finally a looser, on your way to the new life you'ver been wanting!!!!!
Hugs Pam