Friday Roll Call
Good Morning Illinois.......Welcome this morning to a rare thing called "snow" It started here at about 2:30am and hasn't let up since!!! I'm really disliking this winter! So Kim has FINALLY become a looser! is you Monica!!!! So what have you all planned for Easter weekend? Christina I see you're going to have a household full! You sure will be busy! Gotta go back to work...(late papers AGAIN) Have a good day everyone! Pam
Happy Friday to you Pam and the rest of the Illini's. Dave and I went to one of my church's five Good Friday services last night. Today the other 4 run from early afternoon to 7pm. Very moving, mind provoking and a message of hope for those there and what the christian turns their eyes to for Resurrection Day, Sunday. Yesterday my brother was transferred from ABMC in EGV via ambulance to a vent hospital in Hinsdale called RML specialty hospital. They will work him hard to get off of the vent and then supposedly in a couple of weeks he will come back to the rehab unit across from ABMC. Steps in the correct direction and prayers answered for him not being 6 ft under and pushing up daisies.
I work here in a short while, then Dave and I will take the train to Bartlett for dinner. I am going to see if I can get a walk in after work before we head out. We are not driving anywhere with this weather. I think March is going out like a lion like I predicted back in a thread at the beginning of the month.

Open RNY May 7
Revision on 04/19/13

I'm with Pam. I'm tired of all this snow. Ready for the nice weather. Ready to beable to go out walking, ride a bike, go to the zoo, and swim!! Finally got my camera to comunicate with my computer so I e-mailed a picture to OH to replace my Avatar. They tell me it could take as long as 3 weeks. So sooner or later I will have an updated avatar. Guess I'll work some more on my summer cleaning since it's so yucky out. Will run to the gym later to work out with a friend. I've got to work at the hospital all weekend. Every one have a great Easter.
Good Morning Pam and the rest of Illinois!
It was snowing pretty good for my ride in today, and I have GOT to say......WHAT the heck is wrong with people???? We have been driving in snow for the past almost 5 months, and had a week or so break. It seems as though everyone FORGOT how to drive in it! On the way in, there was maybe a 1/2 an inch on the ground and I passed a few cars that were going 30 mph. You'd think they never saw snow before! CRAZY, I tell ya!
The good news is that this SHOULD be the last of it and it should be gone soon. I hope so anyway.
I am looking anxiously for word on Kim, and I will be doing angel duty for Monica on Monday, so watch for the posts.
My girls are supposed to go into the Allstate Arena tonight for an Arvril Lavigne concert. We got tickets for Liv for Christmas, and Amber graciously agreed to take her so they can have some quality "sister time". I hope the weather does not cause them any problems. On the other hand, if Amber decides not to go, I will be attending with Liv. THAT should be interesting........
David is supposed to have friends over tonight for a get-together, I hope they still come, he is really looking forward to it. Turns out girls are invited too. (OH BOY!!!)
I am throwing a ham into the oven on Sunday. We usually are required to go to my in-laws for holidays, but my MIL decided to cancel this year so we are on our own. That is fine with me for many reasons. I did invite them to share our dinner, but that is becoming a problem, so I don't know if they will come out or not. Either way, my aunt and Amber's family will be out to enjoy a nice ham dinner.
I hope everyone stays safe and warm and has a HAPPY EASTER!!!!
Hi Everybody!
This is my first post to the roll call. I'm excited to be part of this. First, I'll let you know that my date of surgery is My 3rd., so I'm getting a little nervous and a little excited. I'm having my Lap Band surgery in Juarez, Mexico since my insurance won't pay for it for any reason. My first priority is getting my type 2 diabetes under control. I recently gained about 30 pounds due to medication, and I now need to lose that and another 50 to get to my first goal. Of course, after 30 years of being heavy, my second reason is to be slim and trim! My wife, baby and I decided to get away for the weekend to a b&b just north of Madison tonight, so I'm dreading the drive up in the snow. Hopefully, the plows will do their thing and it will be passable. I won't be near a computer to post over the weekend, but I'll be back on Monday! Happy Easter!!!