Wednesday Roll Call
Well, Lincoln Land Peps it is hump day - YEAH! But I have oh so much to do in the next several days with Easter coming etc. Jim is doing better but they are leaning towards the rehab hospital in Hinsdale due to the vent issues with his lungs. Dave still has not heard about the job so he called them yesterday. Stand by for the follow up. He also is sending out resumes and has a phone interview for another place today.
I have a meeting at Elmhurst PD today for our inhouse criminal computer system but before that I will now get ready for work, play with the new hair do, and then go to the basement and go through the bins with our summer clothing for the FL trip after Easter.
Have a great day all!
ps - Barry where are you
How's the job search?
Open RNY May 7
Good Morning Chris & IL - Happy Wednesday. I'll be heading to work in just a few minutes. I have a lot to do then will be coming home to clean, freshin up Amanda's linens on her bed as she will be flying in tomorrow. I should know today if Jessica, her boyfriend and the girls will be coming in on Friday and staying thru Easter. Nothing else going on.. just trying to keep my head above water. Chris - I can't wait to see your knew hair cut. I've been following your story with the wedding dress and it just seems like such a cool thing to do. Have a blessed day. Christina
Open RNY May 7
Happy Hump Day everyone! I can't believe that this time next week I will be getting ready to come home from the hospital! I am so excited and the nerves haven't started yet. lol My sister and neice are going to come and visit me on Easter Sunday since she is also my best friend and doesn't care how many trips to the bathroom I will be taking! LOL
Today though, it's work and then I have to do homework, I found out that I only have until the end of April to finish up 2 classes or I have to pay more. Nothing else on the agenda today.
I hope that everyone has a warm and wonderful day!

Open RNY May 7
Hi Illinois!
I went to Madison yesterday for a barium swallow to check on my band after the grits fiasco. Everything was fine so I go back on Monday to get a fill of what they took out. Yeah! I feel like I can eat everything now and it's harder this time to follow my plan. Being off work all Tuesday makes the week weird, but short!
Looks like we'll get a big snow again Friday night. It seems wrong to have Easter so early! My birthday will be after Easter for the first time I remember in my life! If I were a kid I wouldn't have my Easter shoes yet! It's a good thing I do my own shopping now. (LOL)
Christine, glad your dress is useable for your photograph. My lace was yellow too and the pearls were dark yellow and icky! Oh well, I don't have sentimental feelings about my dress since my divorce.
Tomorrow is Match Day (check the Friday paper Rockford folks!). Our med students find out tomorrow where they will be going for their residencies. It is the most exciting and fun days of each year. Families and kids are there too and most of the faculty. It's at 11:15 tomorrow and it goes on all over the country at the same time. I can't wait!