getting sick and ? about impact shakes
Okay I am supposed to have surgery next Monday and I think I am coming down with a cold today. I have a very raspy voice and am feeling kinda icky. What can I do to ensure I can still have surgery next week? If this is my yearly cold that I get in the spring time, I am in trouble, it usually lasts about 3 weeks and takes even longer for my voice to come back.
I also wanted to ask you ladies here about the Impact shakes that I am supposed to drink....they make me completely naseaus, okay I can't spell, but ya know...pukey! lol I tried the first one today and honestly the taste I got was like rotten chocolate fish. It had a total fishy taste to it. Now I did notice that they expired last month...could that be the problem? What if I just can't drink them? did anyone just skip them?

Before/Current 427/235
Open RNY May 7

Monica, definitely call the office about the Impact shakes. They need to exchange them with fresh ones. That maybe why taste like rotten chocolate fish. When they gave me mine (at that time it was powder that I had to mix with water), the stuff was going to expire before I was going to take them. I took them back for exchange and they refunded me the cost of the Impact shakes. At first, I hated them and wondered how I would be able to drink them twice a day for 7 days. Then I started to like them. It's an acquired taste.
If you get something from the doctors office for your cold, you should be ok for surgery. Make sure to get a lot of rest too.
Keep us posted Monica. If there is something you need or just need to talk, please contact me!
Hugs, Lucy