Sunday Roll Call
Good Morning Lisa -
I work in a calibration lab. We calibrate tools for engineers that work on medical equipment. Not the most exciting job but it's a job. Yes, we typically do work six or seven days a week and long hours.
I bet that Easter outfit is too big! That would be a good thing. I'll be shipping out easter baskets tomorrow for my granddaughters. I've not been tempted with the goodies but Calvin sure has. I need to get it out of sight. I've been hiding it. I did buy a sugar free chocolate marshmellow egg yesterday at Walgreens and they can keep the rest of them... yuck! I crave that stuff from time to time but it's never as good as I once remember it to be. Corn Beef & Cabbage sounds good.... I have to work both jobs today and tomorrow. I wonder if I could do a crock pot or post pone it until Tuesday. I'm off at the restaraunt Tuesday evening.
Have a great Sunday. Christina

Before/Current 427/235
Good Morning to all, I havnt been on here as much as I would like but things have been crazy. WE just recently bought a house and I swear it has not been updated since 1969 and Im being serious. If I see any more green in a kitchen, UGH!! Just got done gutting the kitch and wnt to Menards and spent way ot much on everythin for it. I was kinda clueless to whole redoing aspect I didnt realize their was so much that goes into the whole project. I give anybody credit who does this alot. I weighed myself this weekend and I am done to 197. That is pretty cool to me. I really havent noticed that big of a difference but more ppl around me are noticing it. I have really been getting heartburn lately so I am going to ask the dr about it and have them get me something because it just kills me. I wish all of you with your surgery dates coming up the best and I wish everyone else the best. Take care and think spring... Measha
The doubts are starting regarding the surgery. I really didn't think I would have them, but I see that I as well will be going into this with cold feet and nothing but doubts. I try to remind myself of why I am doing this, but its hard sometimes, you know? I look forward to being able to see the scale drop below 300!
So anyway, I haven't weighed myself this morning, but I plan to later. I hope to lose between 20 and 30 lbs all together prior to surgery.
Well happy sunday all!