I have a date & time!!!!!!!
I can not believe this is actually coming true!!!! I am going to have surgery! I went today for my pre-op testing at AMBC. Everything is all set to go. However, I am still waiting for test results from the sleepstudy and lung function test. They are going to call me tomorrow w/ the results. I am having surgery (lapband) next Thursday March20th at 1:30pm. They said I will have to stay one night. I start the Impact drinks tomrrow. Thanks to Wendi, I have my supply of them! Next Wed I see Dr.Wallace at 9:45. I am super excited! Not scared and it really has not set in that this is happening! I have to confess something....I peaked at the bathing suits the otherday at the store and only DREAMED about one day looking like one hot mama in one!!!
Hey I can dream right! Thank you to everyone for being there for me and putting up w/ me over the year! You guys are true friends and I really mean that! I can not wait till April to meet you guys and give everyone big hugs in person!

Revision on 04/19/13
Hi Kim. Yahoo!!!! Congratulations on finally getting a date. Just think you will be one month post-op for our party!! YAY!!
We'll definitely celebrate. Although I had Dr. Guske, I just love Dr. Wallace too. He took care of me when I had to go to the ER with a strangulated hernia. So I know that you are in good hands!