Is depression something that happens after surgery? I am usually a pretty upbeat person, however over the last couple of days all I want to do is sleep and crawl into a hole. I just cry for no reason, not sure if it is the medicine for the infection or what but really just want to be in DH arms knowing that all will be ok and crying all the time but in real life have kids, job and life. I am hoping that this will pass, I usually get really teary around that time but it is not near that time right now so not sure what is going on. I am in a stall on top of that just hoping someone can shed some light on the subject. Thanks Bunches.
I'm so sorry you feels so down Erin.......I went thru a bit of something too, it wasn't depression as much as being grouchy and mad all the time, I just wasn't very nice! It went away in about 3 weeks. And yes I was very tired, still am at times but I think that might have a lot to do with this long winter we're having! You'll come out of it just's all part of the deal! Once you see that weight coming off you'll be good again! You say you're in a stall? You're probably taking off inches, so there is a bright side to the stall! Just don't weight yourself daily!!!! big mistake, depressing too! Hope this helps a bit?
Hugs Pam
Oh yeah!!!! It is "par for the course". Your body is adjusting to MAJOR surgery and your hormones are all out of whack. I was lucky and did not really have the issue with depression at first, but by 4-6 months out, I had the hormonal swings that made me VERY CRANKY and irritable.
This too shall pass and things will look brighter as the hormones level back out. Try to take really good care of yourself and not woryy too much.