OMG I am aproved!
Hey everyone
.I`ve been gone from here for a few months but I`m back now.I just got my aproval letter from IL medicaid yesterday.
Go read my blog on my profile for more.I have untill August 18th to get the surgery done.Am just waiting to hear back from my surgeons nurse to set up the next appt.
WHOO HOO Now my Journey begins!
I hope everything is going well for everyone here
i`m sorry I was gone for so long,long story,But I`m back for good!
Have a great evening y`all

Kimberly, that is great news. We have had a spot for you on the looser's bench for a while, now you can officially occupy it.
Everyone has seasons in their life. I am going though a trying time right now with my oldest brother being really sick. so you do not have to apologize for being abscent.

Open RNY May 7
Revision on 04/19/13
Thank you all soooo much for the kind words.For those of you that need info,I was aproved with the first letter & it took exactly 2 weeks.Once IL medicaid aproves you,they give you a 6 month window to get the durgery done.They are giving me till Aug.18th.I`m on my way baby!Whooo hooo.
I`ve got a lot of changes going on all at once & I`m pretty overwhelmed.I seperated from my husband the end of Feb.,which is also when our lease was up.Niether of us could afford the place by ourselves so he found a place but all I could afford was to go back to low income housing.So I`ve been staying with my mom & step dad 17 miles away from effingham in saint elmo.IN THE BOONIES & alltho I love having the time with my parents I hate it IN THE BOONIES!I`m a city son is staying with his dad a few miles away so his step mom takes him back & forth to school in effingham.His dad also works there but at nights.Now life is suddenly starting to turn around for me.FINALLY.Have a good evenng everyone