Hospital and kids
I agree with Dawn. Hospitals pretty much do not say anything anymore. They just want you to make sure that the visitors do not spread virus germs. They will supply a mask for them if necessary. In my brother's case with the CVICU, his 7 year old granddaughter was in the room. The parent just has to take into consideration how sensitive a kid is to medical surroundings because they can be scared easily.
Open RNY May 7
When I was At Alexian Bros. this May the rule was no kids on the floor under 12, but they let it slide as long as the kids behave. The lady in the bed next to me had 7 darlings in the room at once and they were EXTREMELY ill-mannered so the nurse moved her to a private so I could rest. The next day as I was walking the hall one of the darlings ran right into me at full speed-felt real good w/42 staples. So the little ones were banned from the floor as they weren't being supervised. Check w/your nurse-and get Dr. R. to OK it and I'm sure you'll be fine. Good luck-Hugs-Janet K
Where I work kids are allowed as all the rooms are private. Children under 12 are not allowed in the Icu or CCU unless the person is dying or close to it. It is usually up to us (the nursing staff) to determine how long the kids stay and if they are allowed back. You would be so suprised at what and who people allow in the rooms. I am very strict with having kids in Isolation rooms. They just dont belong there and why would anyone want them in there anyway? There are people who let their babies crawl on a hospital floor! Hospital floors are the worst for germs- it grosses me out. I usually make the kids sit in the waiting room when the pt is in Isolation. And if they are rowdy I make them leave early also. I dont forsee a problem with your kids or your niece coming to visit you as long as you are up to it.
On March 9, 2008 at 12:22 PM Pacific Time, gina1107 wrote:
Where I work kids are allowed as all the rooms are private. Children under 12 are not allowed in the Icu or CCU unless the person is dying or close to it. It is usually up to us (the nursing staff) to determine how long the kids stay and if they are allowed back. You would be so suprised at what and who people allow in the rooms. I am very strict with having kids in Isolation rooms. They just dont belong there and why would anyone want them in there anyway? There are people who let their babies crawl on a hospital floor! Hospital floors are the worst for germs- it grosses me out. I usually make the kids sit in the waiting room when the pt is in Isolation. And if they are rowdy I make them leave early also. I dont forsee a problem with your kids or your niece coming to visit you as long as you are up to it.
Gina OMG It just slays me when I walk in and there is the baby tooling around on the floor, or better yet teething itself on the bed!!!! And then when you say something the parent looks at you like you have 3 heads. The best one is of course when they have all the kids piled on the bed with the pt who is on Isolation!!!! What are you thinking people?????? I also love when the family is using the pt bathroom and the pt is on Iso.......UMMMM dont ya think it may be a good idea to go down the hall????? And of course the people in the room have no gowns or masks on. It is just beyond me........Ok I need to get off my soapbox now. LOL
Anywhoo... nice to meet you and welcome.