Saturday Roll Call
Hi everyone,
My pulminary function test and sleep study went soso. I can't wait to get a date. Maddie is having a friend over today while I just veg on the couch. Last week I had a sinus infection and it came back even stronger and worse. Then last night I started to feel like I'm getting the flu. My body is all ache and one min I have the chills and the next I am pouring sweat everywhere. I hope everyone enjoys the weekend. We are going to start to get warmer soon!!!
Hello Janet & the rest of IL -
Wow, I don't have to tell anyone this but it is bone chillin cold out there. Whoo! Not much going on w/ me. Just working.
I have about another hour at my day job then I need to go home a pick-up a little around the house or nap.. don't know yet. I don't always wake up refreshed and ready to go after a nap. I tried that last Sunday afternoon and overslept... rushed to get to work and the whole evening was crappy. I was just out of sorts so I'm leaning toward just sticking it out.
I hope everyone is having a great Saturday.
I had a work retreat today, now am home. it went well and was a good use of time. If we make the changes we are looking at, I will be really busy this fall and not so busy in the spring.
No other plans for today--maybe I'll knit or read tonight. I knitted two scarves during the retreat! Anybody need scarves?
Have a good Saturday everyone!