NOT feeling full please help
OK Im starting to think im paranoid but anyhow a few weeks ago I felt like I couldnt eat a bite of food I was worried. Boy has that changed now all I want to do it eat. Im not eating "junk" foods or anything but I dont feel full.
Im 18 weeks out and I would feel full after about 5 oz which was normal but now I dont get a full feeling at all. I wanted to see how much id eat today for lunch just to see when id feel fool. I ate ALOT and never felt full. Now im worried if I dont feel ful whats to stop me from going back into the old ways..
I can tolerate everything I try now. Im debating on eating some "junk" as in candy ,cakes just to see if I dump to get myself in check. but im worried I wont get sick.
Ive not had any of those things since surgery.
Is this normal? Will is pass?
And I gained a few lbs this week again.
I too have some day's that I eat alot. and other day's I don't eat much, yesterday I put down everything I ate and I only ate about 900 calorie's,
I use my plate to keep track, have you tried it to see what you are really eatting?
Don't eat any junk food, I am afraid to try it too for the same thing what if it does not make me sick, then I would not have anything to stop me,
Are you drinking you water and getting enough protien?
Do you feel more full if you eat meats? I know I do, but not too full when I eat like Cottage Cheese.
Just keep going and don't give up you can do this the weight will come off,
If you are doing exerciseing you might be gaining muscle weight.
hope you feel better soon, let us know how things go.
remember we are all here for you.
Success begins with wise choices I make,I will not let noncompliance be my mistake, The surgery I had was to assist me in changes. My compliance is for a success long range, So I will think before I decide to cheat. Remember the goals I want to meet. For this surgery is not something I was force to do It was what I wanted for a healthy life!
Thanks Janet. Yes I use the Fitday cd. On a normal day I eat around 900 calories. Even if I eat lower calorie foods I still want ot eat more. So I think normally my calories are ok im just eating more often and not feeling full. Im going to do the 5 day pouch test starting today to see if it helps me feel full again and to get on track. I do get enough protein in and water some days are better than others. last weeks wasnt as good as far as water intake but this weeks better. I do feel fuller when I eat meats. Maybe i need to stick to eating meats. I try and eat alot of eggs and omlets cause I like them and I can my protein in but 1 egg doesnt seem to fill me up.I guess im just stressed. I hope this ends soon.
I do know im gainning some musscle I can feel it. But not to this extent I dont think.