on 3/5/08 5:09 am - Harvard, IL
Chris, I am so sorry to hear of more troubles for your brother... I am keeping you and your whole family in prayer... I will lift this up tonight at church as well... The more praying the better... I hope you can find the time in between all of this to be good to yourself... Maybe a bubble bath or something... Thinking of you Jenn
 Jennifer  RNY 10/02/07 
Before/Current 427/235                                                                                                                                                 
Monica G.
on 3/5/08 11:49 am - North Aurora, IL
Oh Chris, I am so sorry to hear about Jim's setbacks.  Please know that he is in my prayers all the time.  I will add Dave to my prayers as well for the job offer.   Of course you are in my prayers as well!
Hang in there sweetie and know we are here for you!
love and hugs to you both



Lisa Tucker
on 3/5/08 12:26 am - Streator, IL
Revision on 04/19/13
Good Morning to Illinois, Dee, I heard you got blasted, think of Jackie trying to get home in that mess. We just got cold and blow out of that storm. This morning I went out to chirping birds and sun, but it is clouding up now. They are saying 1-3 inches of snow for later .I WANT SUN AND WARMTH!!!! DH locked himself out of the house yesterday. He calls me at work and wants me to leave work, 1/2 hour from the house, and bring him my house key, so he can get in and get his. I told him I had clients, but I will see what I can do. Iproceded to call a friend, who has my house key, and had her go over and open it. I callled DH back and told him that she would be over to open it, his reply was, why does she have the key! I told him, isn't it nicw she did, since there was no way on god's green earth that i could leave work, because he was an idiot.His last comment was, please don't tell anyone what happened.I said no way, this was to good to let lie.  So went Tuesday.  Jackie, do what you can do. This decision is yours to decide. I had lapband, and I went back to work in 10 days. But everyone is different. What kind of job do you have? Most places will work with you, family leave time or not. Dawn, I am glad you are feeling better.  Monica, your son's trip sounds great. And for him to go while you are in the hospital, wow. Timing is great.  Everyone have a great day. Hugs


Start Weight   330
Current          219    BMI 38  I am in the normal range!!!
Goal Weight  180


on 3/5/08 2:54 am - Granite City, IL
Try not to laugh, but I work for United Healthcare and they could careless about it.  They are such a big corporation they figure if they lose me they could always hire 5 to replace me.  So to answer that question, no, there is no "special" consideration on a personal level.  Its times like this I wish I worked for a small company. I am still trying to figure it all out,  Dr Ayloos office has been nothing but great though, they rescheduled my pre op appointment to the 24th so I don't have to make 2 seperate trips!  I am getting my pre op testing done tomorrow and having it all faxed to her and then I start my liquid diet  on the 15th. Still haven't figured anything out as far as accomodations go though, but I'm still working on it. Thanks for all the kinds words everyone....I'm trying
on 3/5/08 3:26 am - Rock City, IL
As far as accomidations go, try not worry about it. I did not go to U of I in Chicago, but UW in Madison, and most hospitals are very similar, especially University hospitals where people often travel for care. Your husband should be able to stay in your room with you in one of those uncomfortable chairs.  I doubt that the nurses will throw him out into the street.  Close family members usually do not have to adhere to posted visiting hours.  At UW, all the rooms are private and although they had one of those convertable chairs, my husband is 6' 4" and he was NOT comfortable.  The night nurse and I finally convinced him to go lay on a couch in one of the waiting areas to get some rest.  They would probably look the other way if he showered in your room too.


Tell someone that you love them!

on 3/5/08 5:15 am - Harvard, IL
Hello everybody... I have lost 6 pounds this week! It is so nice to watch the scale going down, down, down after years of it going up! I went to my water class this morning and have been running ever since... I am meeting with my Pastor's wife an hour before church tonight... Serenity is coming home tomorrow! Yay! I have another full day Thursday and Friday... I have nothing planned for Saturday but my house has gotten out of hand with everything this week, so it will be spent cleaning and I have to file some paper work etc... I hope you are all doing well... thinking of you all... Jenn
 Jennifer  RNY 10/02/07 
Before/Current 427/235                                                                                                                                                 
Barry C.
on 3/5/08 8:54 am - Oak Brook, IL
WARNING!!!  This is long!!!! I am sorry I haven't been more active lately.  Things are just not great for me.  I am still losing weight, and I hope when the bad stuff is done, I can keep the weight off.  Before I go in to what happened today, and how I was bad with food, i will bring you all up to speed with what has happened. Well about two months ago, I came across an email from my wife to a coworker.  At the time we both worked for the same company.  We have since both been let go over this whole situation.  It was addressed to the coworker (I can't let that out of the bag yet, but it is a shocker who it is) then she called him honey.  Well I began to think she was having an affair.  I began to monitor her email and even put a keystroke logger on to the family computer that was a gift to me from my folks.  I began to see this coworker and my wife (who also has the lap band).  these were more and more inapproprate.  She then asked me to leave the house as she needed some time to be apart to see if the marriage was worth saving.  I was crushed and devastated.  In my emotional state I agreed.  That weekend I packed up some things and went to live with my parents.  The day I moved out I intercepted an email from the wife to the coworker that said, "Miss You, Need You, Want You."  That moved me over the edge from being sad to being angry.  She WAS having an affair.  With someone whom I trusted! Well I got an attorney.  She told me to move back in to my house which I did the next day.  The wife was none to pleased, but I was living in the guest bedroom, and I was having daily interaction with my daughter again.  The wife and I had a couple of confrontations (one where she called the cops on me for her trying to steal my computer).  It came to a major head last Monday (2/25) when she put an emergency order of protection against me.  I was forced out of my house and not allowed to make ANY contact with my daughter or wife.  She made lies and false accusations and is using the court as her own personal pit bull to harass me. I have been living with my parents again, as I have since lost my job because of the affair and my helping with the investigation (a whole new story there).  I have been upbeat for the most part, but I miss my daughter terribly every day.  Well today we moved the hearing up for this emergency Order of Protection.  I was in court with my lawyer, and my parents.  The wife showed up with her mother, and we found out her new attorney (she fired the last one due to this order of protection, he didn't agree with her doing it).  Well it got continued until tomorrow.  I was so looking forward to spending the day with my daughter.  I miss her so much and every night at 8:30 when I would put her to bed, my heart breaks, as I can't even call her to tell her I love her and miss her terribly.  Hopefully tomorrow I can leave the court house and spend the say with my ray of sunshine that I have missed for 10 days now. Ok that is what has been going on, when I can release who the affair was with, I feel a lot of you will be shocked and appauled to hear it. I just ask for prayers for me and my daughter.  We both need it in this time of turmoil.  You all have been so supportive of everyone (including myself) I just hope I can lean on you all just a bit more for a while. Thanks :)

Monica G.
on 3/5/08 11:55 am - North Aurora, IL
Oh Barry, I am SO sorry to hear all of this.  I hate that your "wife" is keeping you from your daughter.  Anyone can tell how  much you love that little girl and she needs you in her life so much.  You are both in my prayers that this gets worked out and you can spend time together again!! 
We are here for you anytime!  Hang in there and things will work out.



Wendi W.
on 3/5/08 1:42 pm - Waukegan, IL
Barry,  I am sorry to hear about all the nasty things going on. I hope that you have a good attorney who knows how to play hard ball. It is sad to see that your little ray of sunshine is going to be caught up in the middle of this.  By reading your posts, she is the center of your universe. You can count on me for support.

on 3/5/08 4:09 pm - Aurora, IL
Wow Barry! Prayers being said for you.  It is unfair to have your little one being caught in the middle of all of this.  She needs you and you need her.   Just know it will all work out the way it is supposed to in the end.   Good luck and keep your spirts up ( as well as your britches)!  lol Gina

Nothing tastes as good as thin feels......

Banded 3/15/07  Loyola University Medical Center
Sharfi Sarker M.D.
4th  fill   8.7 CC in 10 cc VG  Band

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