Tummy Troubles....
Hello everyone....
I am having tummy issues and I don't know what is wrong. This morning I ate two cheese sticks ... I eat cheese sticks all the time with no problems ... and I drank my water a little to fast. But all day I have had pressure like gas feeling in my gut. I hope it is just gas but I am not tooty fruity either... and it is really like painful pressure...I even tried laying on my tummy at work but it didn't help. Anyone have any ideas? Does this sound like bad gas? Can you take Gas-X with the RNY?
Any thoughts would be greatfully appreciated :)
I have been the queen of trapped gas since being banded. I've talked to my doc and he insists there is nothing wrong with me, this is just my reaction to some foods. I've started documenting what I eat and putting a special note on days that I get the gassy feeling so I know what foods to stay away from. Sometimes there is so much gas it takes a few days to go away (sorry if this is TMI). There are gas relief pills that have a high level of simethicone that I take in emergency situations where the pain is just horrible, other than that I have gas x with me all the time. They have it at K-mart on sale pretty often (around $2 per package). I guess we're just people that get gassy :(
Sorry I couldn't be of more help.