Monday Roll Call
Good morning Illinois! Yikes, the roads in the NW burbs are getting flooded with all this heavy rain. I hate this weather. The only good thing is that it is melting the snow and ice.
I'm quite busy this morning with an executive meeting and a visit from the manager from the central verification office.
Hope everyone stays safe and dry. God bless Renee and welcome her to the losers bench!

Revision on 04/19/13
Good Morning Lucy and the rest of the Illinois board.
I am just sitting here on the computer for a few moments, until I have to brave the yuck rain this morning and go to work
Not sure what the day will bring,
I lost an old friend over the weekend to lung cancer. It was found in mid fall, and she was told within 6 months. She led a good life, raised 7 kids, a few grands and had some greats as well. She will be missed.
Have a good day, stay dry, and pray for sun and warmth.
I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. Losing a loved one, friend or family is never easy.
So this weekend was full of High school D-R-A-M-A. I hate being involved with this kinda stuff. I would give a rundown of events but it would just take way too long, basicaly ended by my "friends" sister (friend is in " because i dont know the status of it anymore). I mean, the lesson I learned is no matter how much a friend insists on helping you, don't do it.
My van broke down and I was at risk of losing my job if I didn't go. This was my only vehicle and my husband wasn't working at the time so we couldn't afford to keep a rental car. So my friend was offering to let me use her car that she didn't use anyway. Finally I gave in and said, ok. So I used the car for about a month and a half if that and in that time I paid to get the car legal ($100 for tags) and put a new tire on the car because the old one blew out. I also put new wipers on it and cleaned the thing out (it was TRASHED, I mean cigarette butts everywhere, trash upon trash upon trash at least 5 bags of trash) So all in all I sunk probably 200 in that car.
True, I didn't fix the coolant leak, true I didn't replace the shocks or struts...but you know what, that was never part of the deal...Its a 10 year old car that was GIVEN to them and basically trashed, we did what we could and now I am getting dissed by her sister and her. They keep saying things about me that are a little below the belt and then when I ask them about it they act stupid. I mean not just hear say, they post it, black and white but never mention my name, just describe the situation. Never once has either one of them come to me and been like "hey, what happened" or "this is why im mad at you" I mean this is a 23 year old and a 21 year old.
Sorry about the rant, has nothing to do with the board, but I'm just so upset about it
I dont know what to do, suggestions would be lovely!
p.s. still waiting to hear from insurance company, submitted on the 20th of Feb.
Happy monday all!

Good Morning IL!
What a morning! I hate this weather. We are having to take the dogs outside on the leash in the front yard one at a time because our nice big fenced back yard is a huge puddle of mud. It's a pain and they won't poop when on a leash. We're not sure what we're going to do.
As for me, I work and then come home and do more Medical Math homework. Nothing else really on the adgenda here.
Everyone stay safe and warm and dry!!
Hi Monica. Aw, you got to feel for the doggies in this weather! I had a Yorkie years ago and during the snowstorms of the late 70's, she hated going outside. Once she got stuck in a snowdrift at my mom's house. LOL.
Homework is not one of my favorite things! Get it done and then relax..... Take care.

Good Morning Lucy and the rest of Illinois!
I am back to work this morning, feeling quite a bit better, although I am still battling fatigue.
On Saturday, I dropped Olivia off in Stockton and went to Galena for some browsing in their downtown area. I picked up a few fun things, but did not spend much money.
When I go there, I like to stop at the DeSoto House for their "Cream of Blue Cheese Soup", but it is very expensive, so I decided to try to make some myself. I spent part of yesterday making the soup, and I have to say, it turned out pretty well. I may tweak the receipe a bit, but it is good for a first try.
We also had our grand-daughter Saturday and last night. She is a pickle! She is talking so much and is very busy. She had a great time with Uncle David and Aunt Olivia. At one point, it was very funny to watch her order big ol' 6 foot tall David to dance......."Uncle David---DANCE!!!!", she said, and he did. It was one of those "wish I had a video camera" moments!
I am thinking of each of you and praying for those who have family issues and worries. Renee is having her surgery today and I am thinking of her also.
I've really GOT to get to work, so everyone have a lovely day.......