March 1st Roll Call
Good Afternoon Everyone!
The day is truly beautiful out, funny to say that when it is only 32 degrees out. My day so far has been to go to the bank, and then I stopped at the Factory Card Outlet and bought some party supplies. I have a co-worker who is having twins and I am in charge of planning the baby shower. I also went to Walgreens and bought somethings for doing my own pedicure and beauty treatments. I now have to get my finals done for class, and download items for my next class that starts on Tuesday.
It is hard to believe that it has been 9 weeks since starting my new life. I stepped on the scale this morning and I am weighing in at 215 lbs, which is what I weighed one year ago. I have 20 lbs to go for Dr. Kane's goal he wants me at for my April appt. I have a good feeling that I will achieve this goal. I was also looking at the numbers and I have 8 lbs to reach the lowest weight I have been in 6 years. I am now able to wear my clothes in my closet so all the ones too big will be going to a friends Aunt who lives in a skilled nursing facility. I am actually starting to feel like I am pretty once again.
Later today, I will be hopefully updating my avatar and posting some new pictures.
Jenn, I hope things are going better with your daughter. Everything will work out.
Lucy, have fun in Michigan City and win lots of money
Chisty, What are you going to school for? I am 6 classes away from getting my BS in Business Administration and Finance.
Barry, you STUD!!!!! Keep up the good work. Chris, my thoughts are with you and your family as your brother recovers.
Monica, you gave me an idea and that if I can get things accomplished I just might have to have my son hook up the Wii so we can play a few games.
Lucy, Dee, Martha, Janet, Connie, Carol, Measha, and Christina I hope everyone has a good weekend. It is supposed to be warmer tomorrow.