Happy Leap Day Roll Call
10+ years post op and still maintaining!!! surgery 9/25/2002 260/134
http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/bariatric_journey/welcome/ if you send a friend request on FB make a note that you are from OH - thanks http://www.facebook.com/home.php?ref=home#/profile.php?id=586438255&ref=profile
also www.facebook.com/valshealthykitchen

10+ years post op and still maintaining!!! surgery 9/25/2002 260/134
http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/bariatric_journey/welcome/ if you send a friend request on FB make a note that you are from OH - thanks http://www.facebook.com/home.php?ref=home#/profile.php?id=586438255&ref=profile
also www.facebook.com/valshealthykitchen

Open RNY May 7
Good Leap Day to all my Il friends. Yes it's almost 4 pm and I am just getting around to check on the boards. lol
Chris, so glad to hear that Jim is doing better, that makes me happy. Still praying hard for him.
Jenn, I cannot imagine what you are going through and I am so sorry. Please know that we are here for you whenever you need us!!
This morning I took Tyler to the Derm for his Accutane teaching, then I dropped him off and picked up Jacob and off we went to the library and the store for more paint samples, (I decided this morning when I got up I don't like the ones I put on the wall, so more were bought) then we went home and painted the small sample areas again....lol
Then we had lunch and I was off to the Heart Institute for my ultrasound. The tech that did it was so nice and friendly and she also told me that even though she wasn't really supposed to say anything, everything looks great. nothing wrong with my heart. yay...now I just wait for March 24th!! I hate waiting....LOL
Mike is getting ready to take Austyn to his grandparents again for the weekend. I have to say that I am kinda glad, cuz things are just not good. My two sisters are coming over tomorrow to hang out and plan something for my parents 50th anniversary that's coming up at the end of April!