Thursday Roll Call
Good Morning Illinois
I would just like to know is winter
ever going to be OVER?????
I want gets so cold
at work and as much as I hate to admit it......I miss my fat! But only for that.
Jenn I sure hope something turns around for you and your daughter! Just remember this is only temporary! nothing is permanent with teenagers! Chris thinking and praying for your brother. Kim, how's your dad? Monica getting ready for the wls!!! yeah
and Kim right behind you! Miss Lucy
you sound so much better these days.....and I see that your stripper mascot
is still alive! Christina how did last weekend go on your trip
with Calvin? Barry we are your support system anytime you need. You sure are putting those pounds
away! Well I should go....I'm being paid to work....Am I right now......Nope! So I will go out to the COLD
dock and make an appearance!
You all have a good day!

Good Morning Pam & IL -
We had a great time on our little outing. My birthday was on Monday and Calvins big 50 was yesterday. The Sybaris is a really cool place and it fealt like we were somewhere far, far away. Even though we still like our little get aways to Galena's Eagle Ridge Golf Resort, this was a nice change and really fun to be in a pool and sauna this time of year. Not much going on w/ me except work, work and more work and of course, waiting for more snow to head our way. What is up w/ that?
Hope everyone has a blessed day.
Well today begins the job hunt in ernest. I need to find something good and soon. I thought my last job was it, but alas I was wrong. I did love the job, but ya know. Anyway it looks like it is going to be nice out this weekend which I am happy about
. After breaking the 220 barrier (big goal for me) I bought Guitar Hero for the Wii and have been playing it a lot. I am also networking a lot, so hopefully I won't be down long.
Thanks everyone for your support. I love this place!
Happy Birthday to Christina and Calvin!
This cake if free from all calories!
I am soooooooo tired of being cold. Got my utility bill today and it topped $500. I try and keep it set at 62 but I got cold this month! BURRRRR!!! We start spring break on March 14th, I do hope its a little warmer then! Well enough about the weather.
Sending out some prayers for all my Illinois friends in need of them.

Good Morning everyone,
I know I haven't been on in a while I am still sick and now the kids are too... YUCK.. I have to get over this thing but I think it is going to hold on for a while... I am trying to stay away from DH so he does not get sick... Other than that I am down to 144.9 this morning I don't think I have ever been that small even when I was born LOL... It certainly feels good... So that is a total loss of 87 lbs wow when I look at it like that it is amazing... I am having a hard time realizing how fast this is happening, Thank God I have amazing friends like all of you... I have all of you in my prayers and I hope everyone has a great day.. Love Martha
Hello all, I hope everyone is having a great day! I have so much running around to do today, its not even funny. We are going to drop the kids off @ my parents house to get some of it done. I havent eaten anything today yet. Its a good thing but a bad thing, ya know lol. I did take my vitamins. I am going to buy a pair of jeans today. I went to get my dress for my sisters wedding. I FIT into a size 12!!!!!!!!! isnt that fricking fantastic lol. I ordered a size 10 though because her wedding isnt for a few months. I will post the dress pictures later on. Well I will chat with all of you later. Have a GREAT DAY!

My brother is not good. I will update on him later. Mucho prayers please.
I am up now after I had to take a (one pill is all it takes for me) Tylenol PM to get to sleep. My coffee is just about done and I need to get my b-fast ready and some lunch to take to work. Talk at ya all later.
Open RNY May 7
Good morning Pam, Chris and the rest of Illinois!
I am at home today. I went to the doctor yesterday afternoon to see why I was not shaking this viral thing, and he said that along with the viral thing (that can last 2-3 WEEKS!), I now have a sinus infection and bronchitis. He gave me a Z-pac and told me to rest for until 2-30-08 (lol). SOOOO I am staying home for the rest of the week and going to try to follow Dr.'s orders. My boss will be upset, but what can I do? It is more important to get better than to make him happy.
Chris still praying for your brother and family.
Pam, I agree about the cold. My building at work is so cold that I have to wear no less that 4 layers every day. I feel like I am dresing to go sledding in the morning.
That is about all for me this morning.....back to bed I go!
I will try and check in later, but everyone have a lovely day!
Revision on 04/19/13
Good Morning All, Pam, I have to agree with you, I want SPRING! The sun is nice this morning, but where is the warmth that is suppose to go with it.
Chris, I hope your brother gets better. Lucy, sorry, I beat you to posting again
Dawn, follow what the Dr said. You are better off at home then spreading the germ all over the office. Plus, its a great excuse to play hooky from work.
We are heading up to EGV this morning for Dr. appointments. Also some shopping. I want to go to Ikea for a couple of things I saw last month, that I finally decided that I could use, and where. I want a new floor lamp, either in my Living room or office, or maybe both, and I saw a picture I want, not sure which room, but it will work anywhere in the house.
We also have to stop at Menards to pick up more wallpaper. DH in his wisdom on Monday, cut 7 rolls of wall covering 10 inches short on all strips. Don't ask. So, we need to buy more for the rental house we are cleaning up so we can rerent it. If I had done it, there would be H to pay, but he laughed about it. Its only money
so, I thought that as long as he has all that paper cut, my dining room is only papered 1/2 way down, so........if we can pick up 2 more rolls, there should be enough for it, plus border to match my kitchen to tie itt all together.
We shall see how much of it gets done today. We do want to be home before the snow hits this afternoon/evening.
Have a good day