Wednesday Roll Call
Hello Everyone, Nothing excitin planned for today - just cleaning for the kids birthday friday. I am having my family and Tims family friday night for dinner and cake. We had the kiddie party for them last Saturday. I am still recuperating from that extravaganza. 27 kids at a mini golf place. One child got the flu in the moon bounce - NOT FUN. Poor kid - I dont know if the flu or the embarrassement of getting sick in the bouncer was worse for him. Danny says he still is not back to school. I have to go to the grocery store today and pick up my rug cleaner from the repair shop. Stupid thing is a lemon. I bought it in June and it has been in the repair shop 3 times since. It doesnt work more than it does work. I guess the turbine keeps konking out on it. Hoover will not give me a new one! They will just keep paying to fix it. If it does not work yet again I swear I am going to be the digruntled wanna wash my carpets woman! They have replaced the turbine 3 times, the water tank, the bottom receptical that holds the dirty water and the brushes. Dont ya think it would have been cheaper for them to just give me either a new machine or my money back? ARGHHHHH. My fill got cancelled monday. They do them under floro and I guess the hospital needed the room for an emergency procedure. In a way I am glad b/c I did not relish the idea of driving to Loyola in the snowstorm Monday. But now I still need a fill........ I have to call to reschedule. Trying to decide what to make for dinner today????? Anyone have any ideas for me? Have a great day today .... the sun is shining which is a start right? Hopefully warmth is not far behind. Off to exercise and watch All my Children ( I know - I am addicted) Gina Keep smiling