Wednesday Roll Call

Open RNY May 7
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Good Morning Il Friends!
Today it's back to work for me as I have been off for one reason or another for the last 4 days. Tyler is heading back to school today, no more fever finally but still very congested and coughing. No word on the strept test yet. Probably today I think.
After work it's home for more Math homework....I hate math! lol
Chris your brother and SIL are still in my prayers and I like the idea of starting a new thread to keep us updated.
Everyone stay safe and warm today!!

Good morning friends! Well we have tied our previous snow record and now there is more coming tomorrow. Oh well. It is at least pretty. I sent pictures of yesterday morning to my granddaughter who is 6 and lives on the southern border of Arkansas. She will want to come here! I can't wait till she is old enough to fly by herself to visit, even though we would have to go to Midway to pick her up.
Work is slow today--the students have a study day for the next exam so I don't have to teach. For each of you who have been sick--hope each day that you feel better. For those who have family stuff--good energy and prayers go your way.
Living one day at a time.
Good Morning... I was up early this morning...Got the little ones off to school...Threw a roast and veggies in the crock-pot, I went to the 8-9am water class and stayed and did the 9-10 water class! I needed to put my energy into something positive... I feel good! I need to go to Serenity's school by 11:30 to take care of what's going on, find out how much the phone cost to replace etc... After that I am going to my mom's, She wanted me to bring Serenity over... Her and Serenity are very close and she wants to just talk to her a bit... My sister is a 911 dispatcher for Elgin and she has a call in to see if Serenity can tour the Juvenile section... I am going to call the local police department and talk to the social worker and see if she offers any advice... Over the last 2 months Serenity's has joined me at my water class on Saturday's just me and her, and she has attended my Saturday support groups with me just her and I... I am thinking about adding maybe something more enjoyable during our 1 on 1 time... Thank you ALL for your responses to my post yesterday, I will respond when I return home later and have some more time... I just wanted to check in before I left... Say a quick prayer for Kimberley her surgery should be starting any time now... Keeping you all in my prayers as well! Jenn

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