This is TOO much for me...(Long)
I have shared that I am having some troubles with my oldest daughter Serenity who is 12 she will be 13 on March 15... She has been stealing; at the end of the last school year she stole a girl's cell phone... My daughter made calls from that cell phone, which is how they tracked her to taking the phone... She had the phone in a locker at school and it was returned... She got in school suspension and the police were involved... She was able to go through a peer jury and had to do community service... On Feb 13th she stole some items from Walmart while she was in the store with us... I did not see her do it nor did the store catch her my husband found the items in her bedroom after we got home... I called Walmart and told them, they said since they did not catch her they could not call the police but I could call them and have a juvenile officer come and talk to her. They also requested that we bring the items back to the store... The officer came out and gave her a pretty good talking to, but she rolled her eyes and said I don't know to everything he asked... We brought her back to Walmart to return the items we had her ask for the manager and tell him what she did... She got a talking to from them... I didn't see any remorse on her part and it was very upsetting... We talked to our Pastor about it as well and the youth group leader who prayed with my daughter and they went over some scriptures... I grounded her for 1 month... No computer, no MP3 player, no hair straightener, and no TV during her 1-hour time... Just last night at counseling she said that she felt my punishment was too harsh and she wanted me to compromise with her on getting her straightener back... I told her if I saw improvement on her attitude and seen her showing more respect to me and my husband over the next week and her doing her chores correctly (Her chore is folding, hanging up, and putting away clothes) she hides the clothes all through the house instead! She could have it back... Today I get a phone call from her school that she has stolen another cell phone from a student in her class yesterday... She is suspended tomorrow and the next day and will have to pay for the phone as soon as the parents tell the school how much the phone will cost to replace... So she is already grounded... I don't know what to do... I would be here until tomorrow if I got into more I just needed to vent... Thanks for listening please keep us in prayer... Jenn

Before/Current 427/235

There is such a thing as too much punisment. When a child needs attention they do not care if it is bad or good attention. At least you paid them some. Why don't you try a one on one girls night out. Or even a weekend with just the two of you? Try to get connected again. Tell her that you realized that the punishment you gave out was probably not fair and let her decide what it should be. As long as it is agreeable with you go for it. Don't build a wall between you and make these years a tug of war. You pull and she pulls harder. If you do that you will lose her altogether. Right now she probably feels just as bad about it as you do. She is at that age where you need to really start listening to her and not just saying it's my way or the highway. Hope all works out for you.
Open RNY May 7