OT - My brother, Jim

on 2/25/08 6:55 am, edited 2/25/08 8:12 pm - Western 'Burbs Chgo, IL

I got the ok from my boss to go visit Jim at lunch this week. I just need to either go in early to work or stay late to make up the time that I am gone. I did not go on Saturday to see him because I did not think that there would be much change from Friday; which there wasn't after the broncoscopy that was done in his room. I was there twice yesterday, once by myself, met my niece in the parking lot on the way out and then later in the evening I met my other brother and his wife at about 530pmish. During the day when I was there he looked aweful. Swollen in the neck from the IV etc. He was not too with it, but knew I was there. By the time I got back to see him later on he had improved. I was like that when I was in ICU in '91. He asked me today why I was in uniform on a Sunday.  My next oldest sister is having her own issues with the fact that she is so far away in southern IN, but hopefully I put her mind at rest today with telling her that he was looking better. Today he looked even better than Sunday. He has another clot that they are trying a different procedure on to help break it up and get the fluid out of his lungs. He knew who Dave was and even asked Dave about his loss of job status.  He is not out the woods and has a long row to hoe. He is fighting two addictions, cigarettes and drinking. He really likes his brewskies and smokes I will be glad when he gets out of the CVICU (cardio unit) and is moved to the regular ICU. That in itself will be a step in the right direction.  I am so moved that all of you have said that he is in your prayers and thoughts. This is something that I cherish. Please continue with the prayers, good thoughts and whatever messages that you put in a daily post. I would ask that you keep my SIL, their children and grand kids also in the thoughts and prayers. My SIL has her own issues with mobility and walks with a cane. She is tired and probably at the end of her ropes. In His love, Chris

Open RNY May 7


Kim M.
on 2/25/08 10:30 am - Poplar Grove, IL
Chris, I say many prayers daily for your brother.  Do you mind me asking where the clot is?  I have gooten so much info while my dad has been in the hospital.  They told me that if the clot is in the leg, then it could/might go to the chest/lung area.  If the clot is in the lung/heart area it might go to the brain.  I can't tell you how many ultrasounds my dad had looking for that darn clot that caused his stroke.  Guess what, it wasn't a clot...it was lack of oxygen  that caused hemergining in the brain.  Anyway...sorry to rant on about that.  My dad was on a real cool bed called that rotoprone bed.  Chris, I swear that thing saved his life.  You might want to ask about it if his lungs get to bad.  It blows the tryadyne bed out of the water.  Sound like my father and your brother could be friends.  My dad was/is addictied to the cigarettes and his drink also.  He also is addicted to pain meds.  Vicaden and zomar sp????? My thoughts and prayers go to your whole family!  If your SIL ever needs someone to talk to, you are welcome to give her my number.  Also, Chris, I am here if you ever want to talk or need a shoulder to cry on!  Everyday I would go to the hospital, I would ask what his white blood cell count was, his blood platlett count and look to see what the vent was set on.  I would look at the peep ect...ansewers to these questions could tell you alot about his progress.  The man above is watching over your whole family!!! Love, Kim
on 2/25/08 8:07 pm - Western 'Burbs Chgo, IL
The clot is in the remnant lung plus there is fluid there also. This clot from what I understand is left over blood from the surgery and not inactivity and laying bed. These doctors and hospital seem to be right on top of the issue. We all know that it is dangerous. My second oldest sister had a heart embolism and died after surgery on her knee. In '91 I had a blood clot in the leg and it went to my lung. I will mention the bed to the family. Chris

Open RNY May 7


Karen R.
on 2/25/08 10:49 am
Christine,  Thanks for the update. I will keep your brother and his family you included in my prayers! Karen






on 2/25/08 11:16 am - Harvard, IL
Christine, Keeping your brother and family covered in prayer... Maybe the time spent in the hospital maybe enough for him to get over the cigarettes... Sending lots of prayers... Jenn
 Jennifer  RNY 10/02/07 
Before/Current 427/235                                                                                                                                                 
Janet Kwiek
on 2/25/08 7:34 pm - IL
Got St. Jude on it already- and am om going for the Big Guy after I post.  Hang tough sweetie- look what He brought Baby Lincoln through-my sister also says to let you let you know she is praying for you guys too-still no job for her hubby yet either!  Big Hugs-Janet K
Monica G.
on 2/25/08 9:42 pm - North Aurora, IL
Oh Chris I am glad that while it might be slow, Jim on his way to recovering.  Dealing with the addictions must be so hard too.  He is always in my thoughts and prayers!!  Thanks for the update



on 2/26/08 12:52 am - Rock City, IL
Dear Chris: I am keeping your bother, SIL and your whole family (you too!) in my thoughts and prayers. It is good to hear that he is making progress, even if it is small progress.  Hopefully, this time away from his vices will be the end of them.  I know that I quit smoking many times, and then, the last time, it was just OVER, I no longer have the urge and wonder how I ever smoked in the first place.  I am very thankful for that.  Hopefully, it will go that way with him.


Tell someone that you love them!

on 2/26/08 1:33 am, edited 2/26/08 7:55 pm - Western 'Burbs Chgo, IL

I talked with my brother's daughter this morning and she said that the vibrating treatments helped yesterday but they are still going to do the broncoscopy today. He was able to cough up some of the junk yesterday by himself. They changed the Adavan (sp?) drug yesterday which is an anti-anxiety drug and he did not have the glazed look on his face as he had before. He even slept well for a while and she took off the oxygen mask during that time. The strap from the mask is very uncomfortable. In addition to the mask he is wearing a canula oxygen piece, so a double whammy with the oxygen. His levels remained stable for the majority of the time and then went down and she needed to put it (mask) back on him. He has a lot of asbestosis in his lungs from the 50, 60 and 70's when the flooring materials still had in it. Most of my family were or are flooring installers. Jim also has emphezema from smoking so many years, unfiltered Camels. The doctors supposedly knew he would be having such a hard time and were prepared for the worst case scenerio, but did not tell the family. It sure would have the siblings mind at ease.  This is good news in the respect of the doctors having a handle on everything, the drug change also. Chris

Open RNY May 7


on 2/26/08 2:09 am - Orland Park, IL
Hi Christine, sorry for your tough times. I will keep your family in my prayers. Hope all goes well! God Bless

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