Back from PCP and EKG
Well I just got back from the Dr and Tyler has an Upper resp infection and we are waiting for stept results, though the rapid one came back neg.
Now, my EKG, the one I had done today was perfectly normal...BUT he still won't clear me until I have an echocardiogram done because the first one that came back borderline was showing that I have Left Ventricular Hypertrophy. He wants to be sure that there is no evidence of that before I have surgery. I will be making the appt soon.
Just wanted to update you guys.
Lucy, I already made the appt for Friday afternoon!! lol I am wasting no time and I already had the day off of work because Tyler has a dermatologist appt that morning, we are getting ready to put him on Accutane for his acne and he has to go through a class first.
I am sure my echo will go smoothly and I'll get my clearance. Still waiting to hear the results of my mom's echocardiogram that she had done Friday....