May I introduce myself???

Success begins with wise choices I make,I will not let noncompliance be my mistake, The surgery I had was to assist me in changes. My compliance is for a success long range, So I will think before I decide to cheat. Remember the goals I want to meet. For this surgery is not something I was force to do It was what I wanted for a healthy life!
Hi Janet! Hi Monica! Hi Lisa!!
Thank you for the warm welcome! I was really worried I wouldn't find a group to chat with in Illinois. It seems like here in AK they are everywhere.
I'm only 6 weeks out and still learning what I can/can't eat. Those will probably be my biggest questions right now.
Just FYI: All our household goods have been shipped back to the lower 48. We are staying in our house on air mattresses and using camping chairs to watch Tv. I really have no way to cook unless it can be heated in a sauce pan or small frying pan. (we borrowed those from a neighbor)Our final inspection is March 8, so after that we'll be in a hotel until we leave on the 17th. So unfortunately, new recipes are going to have to wait until we get back and get settled. But I'd love the help as always!
Ah.....sigh of relief....people to talk to! LOL
Tracee, A BIG FAT WELCOME TO YOU. I am in Itasca, not too far from Elmhurst. They still have a nice old fashioned downtown area with shops, stores, restaurants etc.
If you can manage later in April we all will be getting together for a pot luck (WLS friendly). The date is April 19th and it will be in Palatine. There are a few that live out by you so maybe you can car pool. Other family members are welcome also so you can make a day of it possibly.
Open RNY May 7
Hello!!! What a wonderful welcome! April 19th? I think we should be somewhat settled by then. I'll put it on the calandar and plan on attending. My girls are 10 and 5, is it ok that they come too?
I love Itasca! Small towns are my favorite. Oswego still has that since it's right off the Fox River. We would have loved to have rented in Elmhurst, but whoo! Expensive!
I'm sorry for not replying sooner. I just spent two days in Anchorage for my 5-6 week follow up with my surgeon. It's the last time before we move.
From my highest weight (july 07) I am down 42 pounds. 35 since surgery!!!!! I still can't see it, but I definately noticed it on the plane ride home. I didn't need a seat belt extender and when I buckled I was able to TIGHTEN IT!!!! I almost cried right there in my seat.
Ok, well, More soon. I'm pooped and heading to bed. Thank you for the grand welcome.
~ Tracee ~