Monday Roll Call
Just another cold and rainy hazey and maybe snowy Monday!!!!! I like the rest of you all just want SPRING to get here...... I don't mid when the weather is in the 30's but anything under that is just cold!!!!!!
Lucy I know what you mean about tough meat and getting stuck! With my band I forget sometimes when I eat to be carefull with some meats. I am then pulling over to try and get rid of it and it can make a long car ride feel longer... Glad you are feeling better though.
Well don't let this weather get ya all down, it will get better soon really!!!

Good Afternoon Illinois!!!
Well, I am home from work today, as Saturday I started feeling dizzy and I know that I am getting in all my fluids. It subsided by the afternoon, but was back on Sunday along with being nauseated (sp). This concerned me as I have not had any issues up until now, so I put in a call to the Kane Center just to be safe. Dr. Wallace called me back, and shall we say he has a great phone voice.
I am still somewhat off kilter but not as bad yesterday.
Monica, your EKG will be fine.
Jen, amazing pictures and I understand about 13 yr old girls, as my DD is now 22 yrs old. It is great that she is getting counseling.
Dawn, glad you feel better.
Michelle, we need to make plans to get together soon.
Miss Lucy, I wish you luck in finding the right person for that position.
Martha, Happy Birthday
Well, just getting on now to post. I breezed through some of the posts earlier today.
Was not too busy of a day at work. Not much for me tonight. Dave is fixing din, din tonight. We are having a cheese fondue recipe that he found in an old cookbook. Going up here shortly to straighten up my guest room and put junk away that has collected over the last couple of months and will also poke my head into Dave's potty room and put away his junk that he does not tend to.
Open RNY May 7