Monday Roll Call

Good Morning Dawn and the rest of IL!!
It's gloomy outside and I am dreading the next batch of snow we are expecting today/tomorrow. I am SO done with this.
Well I was supposed to work today because I am supposed to go on a field trip to China Town tomorrow with Jacob's class (not sure if we will still go cuz of the weather though), but Tyler came home from his dad's really sick and has had a high fever since then. I can't get it below 101 no matter what we give him. He woke up this morning and it was 103. I called my boss and told him that I was staying home and taking Tyler to the Dr. Maybe I can talk to the Dr about my EKG stuff right away too!
Other than that we have Freshman orientation tonight, which Tyler will have to stay home from, but Mike, Tyler's dad and I will go. He's so bummed about it.
Everyone have a warm and safe day!!
Good morning Dawn, Monica, and everyone,
I am off to work in a few minutes. We are suppose to have a meeting after work today, but I am hoping they will cancel it because of the snow. We still have ice in our driveway. Nicole and I went out yesterday trying to chop it all up, but there is a big piece right down the middle that is still too thick.
Saturday night was Nicole's turnabout dance. I posted pictures if anyone wants to see. She had a good time.
Tomorrow I am off work and have my 3 appointments at Bonaventure. I will see the np, nut, and shrink. I have to say that I am looking forward to it. I just hope the snow stops before I leave. We are out of salt up here in Lake county. In my town, they just plow and salt the intersections, but in Gurnee all they do is sand the intersections. Everyone have a great day! ~Michelle