Having another EKG
Well I called my PCP to get Tyler in to see what's wrong with him and they told me that they got the fax of my EKG, but the Dr can't read it. So he suggested that I just come in with Tyler and have one done this afternoon and if that's good, he'll fax a clearance note to Kane Center! woohoo...I know it will be just fine too. I am feeling good today and won't be dehydrated or anything either. I am actually excited about having an EKG...LOL
Now I just have to take care of Tyler without getting sick myself!!
Good Luck on your EKG, crossing my fingers for you, on your clearance.
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Good morning Monica:
I'm glad to hear that you can get in today to have the EKG re-done. I'm sure it will be fine, then you will have no more obstacles.
I hope Tyler feels better soon, and it will be even better if the doctor can actually do something to help him. If not, it may take plenty of rest and just have to run its corse. In the mean time, get a jug of hand sanitizer and use it!!!!
Don't let him breath on you either. I know that it is hard, but I sequestered myself from my family for this last week and so far (knock on wood) they are all still fine.
Let us know how it all comes out!

Revision on 04/19/13