Sunday Roll Call
Hi Karen -
Happy Birthday to your Grandma! That is great. That is so cool and I'm so glad you were able to spend the day with her. What a WOW moment for you Karen. That's great that your family is noticing your hard work... you skinny butt you.
I'm looking so forward to a little R&R.. My butt is dragging.
HUGS my friend.

All right-what's in the water? He vacuumed while I was at my grandson's party. My gifts were a HUGE hit and I was smothered w/grandkids-great day. I even was civil to my ex! I'm getting my only grand daughter's Easter outfit-I can't wait to go shopping w/her-we have a blast! She is a shopper!
Good rest of the day to all-Dawn I remember sending my girls off to so many dances and each time I cried and one was prettier than the last. Wait until you see her in her wedding gown for the 1st time-my knees went to silly putty each time! Keep chris B. and her brother in your prayers-Janet K
Hello everyone... I went to a Birthday Party for my niece and nephew today, we had a nice time... Aside from my mom today was the first time my other family commented on my weight loss... That felt nice... I tried to post some pics on here... but it didn't work, I am not too good at the computer... Anyways I hope everyone is having a good night... Jenn

Before/Current 427/235
Well, it's late for the Sunday Roll Call, but I was out all day yesterday and came home in the evening from Michigan City, IN. I went to the Blue Chip Casino for some slot action. Had a good time but was tired after the long drive. I also ate some tough meat and had a hard time afterwards. I haven't had foamies and throwing up feeling for a long time now. They were ribs. I should have known better as I had a hard time getting the meat off the bones and probably didn't chew it enough.
I was in a lot of pain for a while and had to drive home in that condition. Never again!
Hope you had a great Sunday Christine!